The Official Good Television Thread

I thought the first half was the worst the show's been in a long time. The fakeout death was the stupidest shit they've pulled in the show's history, the moralizing is getting unbearable and the finale was a total non-event. Still, I liked seasons 4 and 5 so I hope they can get their shit together again. As a comic reader, I'm telling you, if they somehow get the upcoming Negan arc right it'll be amazing.
Getting back into Breaking Bad. On season three now. Fuck... its more intense than I remember it being. Love it.

Gonna fire up Better Call Saul after finishing Breaking Bad. I am excited.
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It's trash, but I keep watching it for some reason even though they keep rehashing the same storylines over and over. The writers reckon they've got like another 8 seasons worth of material, lol.

I've quit watching it for the most part because I've gotten bored with the series.I hate that it seems like the fucking show has caused this awful trendy zombie culture. There may never be a good zombie apocalypse type movie again because of TWD.

Sounds like I'm being an elitist or whatever but goddamnit my parents shouldn't be inviting me over to watch a zombie show with them. They never even liked a zombie movie, ever. Not even Shaun of the Dead.
I've quit watching it for the most part because I've gotten bored with the series. I hate that it seems like the fucking show has caused this awful trendy zombie culture. There may never be a good zombie apocalypse type movie again because of TWD.

Sounds like I'm being an elitist or whatever but goddamnit my parents shouldn't be inviting me over to watch a zombie show with them. They never even liked a zombie movie, ever. Not even Shaun of the Dead.

Quoted for being the realest shit anybody has said on this forum since I've been here.


Edit: sharing this on facebook to chafe the tits of all my friends that are Walking Dead fans.
i thought zombies had got trendy well before THE WALKING DEAD and if anything it was taking advantage of that. i remember people going on about the zombie apocalypse several years back. i'm sure it's contributed and whatnot though. i don't personally care, what bothers me is how repetitive it gets sometimes--same old crises and moral dilemmas over and over. also the regularly shitty dialogue and the inability to decide how comic bookish it wants to be. i'm only on the fourth season though, still persisting with it for the time being. the game looks cool, i started it recently.
Oh yeah zombies were popular as shit before the show came out, I'd say The Walking Dead is more the horrible and inevitable conclusion. I remember people randomly buying these zombie survival guide books they sell at nerd shops, it was definitely building up.