The Official Good Television Thread

I think a show about Mike prior to BCS would be pretty damn good.

Edit: I've been pretty damn done with GoT since I read the shitpile of the most recent book. I've never seen an author commit such spectacular suicide in the process of roping in every mouthbreathing new era "nerd". Basically he put in a bunch of vulgarity and "omg plot twist every character dies" and it's SO HOT RIGHT NOW.

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Didn't the author basically tell HBO how he wanted it to end but gave them free range on how to get there? I guess I thought there were no more books at this point.

Spoiler Alert

Anyways my favorite character is back so... I'm not mad.
I'm still enjoying GoT but it's getting a bit predictable.

Started watching The Americans after a friend who is a critic recommended it, seems enjoyable enough so far.
I'm not the biggest fan of GoT but I've watched the first two episodes this season and a few others. I feel like it's sword and sorcery but it forgets about the sorcery part until something important needs to happen and there's way too many fucking characters that I have no clue if I should even care about their death scenes.
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I'm not the biggest fan of GoT but I've watched the first two episodes this season and a few others. I feel like it's sword and sorcery but it forgets about the sorcery part until something important needs to happen and there's way too many fucking characters that I have no clue if I should even care about their death scenes.

I will always think to myself 'I'm going to marathon GoT tonight' and then I lose interest after I watch a single episode. Just cannot get into it. I really hope the Wheel of Time series is not like this for me...
I'm not the biggest fan of GoT but I've watched the first two episodes this season and a few others. I feel like it's sword and sorcery but it forgets about the sorcery part until something important needs to happen and there's way too many fucking characters that I have no clue if I should even care about their death scenes.
I totally agree on the way too many characters part. People regularly appear or reappear and I have no fucking clue who they are or where they fit in.
i hope the malazan book of the fallen never becomes so popular that they make a shitty TV show out of it. also imagine how many characters THAT would have lol
Are you implying that Game of Thrones is shitty with that comment? Because I couldn't disagree more. Obviously there's always going to be people it doesn't appeal to, but it has many things to be commended on in my opinion.

I also don't agree with some comments that there are too many characters, that just seems like lazy viewing if you can't keep up with them. If it had less characters there would be no doubt people complaining that it's too easy to follow, lacks depth and needs more characters or whatever. There are definitely things wrong with it though, like Ramsey becoming just so comically evil these days that it kinda ruins his character and Jon Snow being resurrected was incredibly predictable.

I own the first 3 books in the Malazan series but I've not had time to read them yet. Looking forward to delving into them when I have more free time.
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nah don't worry, i haven't watched a single episode. most people i respect seem a little underwhelmed by it but i'm sure it's at least decent, HBO are pretty reliable. i'll watch it at some point, or maybe i should carry on with the books. wasn't particularly fond of the first book so i never got around to the second one.