The Official Good Television Thread

Last episode of game of thrones was so far the best in the season. I hope they keep it up this week.

I started the new X files and that first episode was amazing. The second was sorta too campy for my taste. I dled the third episode which I'll watch tonite.
Yeah, it was really sad. The episode started out slow so I'm glad it really picked up towards the end. They keep doing that. Having all the action for the last 10 minutes.
the first episode of Preacher was so damn good. I think its going to do the comix justice

Outcast is going to be pretty good to I think
Tonight's episode definitely has the strongest writing and brings some interesting Uh possibilities into play

The Hodor story was cool, but now we get to expect time travel in the rest of the series. Fucking ridiculous

And of course GoT actually became The Walking Dead for awhile.

Is that chick really going to outrun all them whitewalkers/bone army while dragging Bran on a cart? :lol:
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I just find everything with the whitewalkers to be underwhelming, even Hardhome, which most seem to love. I get that it's a crucial element to where this all going, but it's the one element that doesn't catch me. "Oh a bunch of throw-away bad guys who are huge in number but easy to kill off."
The Hodor story was cool, but now we get to expect time travel in the rest of the series. Fucking ridiculous

I'm fine with it as long as it remains in the causal continuum where the consequences of the action correlate to the present, i.e. Hordor. I like this because it creates a paradox where one can change the past, but at the same time is unable to change the future, thus creating a power that is simultaniously powerless. Now if Bran starts bring Ned and Robb back from the dead, that's when they've jumped the shark.

I heard an interesting theory where Bran may have triggered the Mad King, who like Hordor kept repeating the same line: "Burn them all." It could be connected to trying to destroy the white walkers, specifically if Bran wargs into a dragon. Thus, Bran could be responsible for all the evens of the entire saga.

On a different note, do you all think tjhe Greyjoys are heading to Mereen? If so, Dany would finally have the army and the ships needed to storm Kings Landing.
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I mean maybe, but the show is going in a direction the books has or will not go so it seems like it's just up to the writers after every season to see what the viewers liked.

But what irks is me with time travel is the same with magic in the show. We don't see anything with magic but the fire lady shows up and starts having a gigantic impact on the entire global political sphere of the world and show. But she's the only one!? So now Bran can affect the present via the past but again..the only one? Even though he learned it from Sydow? :zipit:

And Sansa is going to marry Jon Snow? :lol: That's what was implied there, right?
Do you guys realize that we just witnessed the execution of a plot twist that was first setup twenty fucking years ago, yet AFAIK has been predicted by no one? GRRM must be turning in his grave bed that the show beat him that reveal.

I've been generally disappointed with the season so far. I've found that most of the big plot points have been things the fanbase already predicted and that they've also played out in the most perfunctory way possible. Couple examples;

Ramsay killing Roose. Everyone knew it was coming. How does it happen? Ramsay just plain stabs him. No real plan or anything. And somehow Roose didn't anticipate it despite deliberately provoking him since s05 with his talk of his wife being pregnant.

Jon coming back to life. Again, everyone anticipated this. How does it happen? Melisandre just asks her god nicely. Who knew bringing people back to life was so trivial.

The only real surprises have been things that were fucking stupid, like, you know, Dorne.

This last episode though? Holy shit.
Supposedly the writing team met with GRRM, and he revealed Hodor's origin story. Regarding the time travel theory, I read something else that mentioned Bran could be responsible for the Mad King going...mad. I was watching one video where they basically asked if Bran is now just this entity that exists throughout time. But as others have said, this better not be used as a copout
Tormund's awkward flirting with Brienne is hilarious.

I don't agree with this season being disappointing, this episode and episode 4 were great. It's been better than S5 so far I think.

I don't like the where this time travelling could be going, though. Bran being able to go to the past and influence the future opens up a lot of doors which could make the plot become ridiculous. I hope they handle it well.

Also, I was honestly more upset about Summer's death than Hodor's. Hodor was hardly an interesting character, considering he couldn't speak.
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It might be better than s05 but that isn't saying much. I don't have much faith in the writers at this point to tell a good story without complete source material to rely on.

Show-original plotlines in previous seasons haven't exactly been brilliant (Yara's attempted rescue of Theon, LF's disastrous matchmaking in the previous season, etc.) and now they have no book to rely on at all. This season so far's been full of shit that looks cool but makes little sense when you stop to think about them. To name just one thing that's been bothering me lately, does anyone else find it weird how lightly people in this world are taking kinslaying and regicide all of a sudden? Euron loudly announces to the ironborn that he has murdered their king, his own brother, and they cheer him on? They even support him as he intends to murder Yara, so beloved of the ironborn that she was going to be their Queen until Euron showed up. To say nothing of the inane shit going down in Dorne. The politics in the show have been streamlined to a point where they don't even make sense anymore.
I'm not the greatest fan of Martin but so far he's done an incredible job telling a ridiculously sprawling and ambitious story without tripping over his own plot threads. I've spent a fair amount of time reading fan theories and analyses and it's impressive how well his work holds up to all that scrutiny.