The Official Good Television Thread

thought arya decided it wasn't her dire wolf, it was just another one hanging out when i thought they were all extinct or something

It was Nymeria In season 1, Ned tells Arya that she will wed a Lord and give birth to princes and princesses. She responds "that's not me." Flash forward to last week's episode. Arya tries to convince Nymeria to return to Winterfell with her. However, Nymeria, like Arya, is wild and doesn't follow conventions. Arya realizes this, which is why she says "that's not you."

i more enjoy that the dorn and iron islands are no longer included in the grand scheme SO NOTHING WILL EVER FUCKING HAPPEN IN THIS SHOW

Dorn seems on the ropes (what will happen to their army now?) but I don't see how the Iron Islands are no longer included. Euron is the biggest mover of the season so far.
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Yara isn't dead yet. Granted, it looks bad, but this show has taught us to not assume anyone is dead until you see their corpse. And I assume Theon still has some function in the plot. I doubt that a character whose been around since episode 1 will just dive off a boat and never be seen again.
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Yara isn't dead yet. Granted, it looks bad, but this show has taught us to not assume anyone is dead until you see their corpse. And I assume Theon still has some function in the plot. I doubt that a character whose been around since episode 1 will just dive off a boat and never be seen again.

well we never saw Stannis' corpse, and he was a much bigger/more important character than Yara. But yeah, i think they made it clear that she's not dead. Her and Dornish cunts are probably going to be Eurons present to Cersai.

and yeah, Reek isnt dead either.
Yeah Stannis is the exception to the rule. Between the way his arc ended and Breanne explicitly stating she killed him, I feel confident he's actually dead. However, characters like the Hound, the Mountain, Bran and Rickon (granted, this one was pretty telegraphed) have all been left for dead or portrayed as dead, only to return. That said, Yara could very well die on the next episode and Cersi is probably gonna do something brutal to Ellaria's daughter as revenge for Myrcella.

what they did with Stannis was character assassination at its finest. The guy never burned his daughter and is still alvie in the books. From what Martin said back then at least.

RIP Mannis! The greatest man of Westeros, the rightful King of the Throne! That guys storylines/scenes were the best.
I have to wonder why you're still watching. This show has been slow in development from the start.

i'm literally like that episode of Seinfeld where they debate about what to do with a bad movie. Stay to the end or leave? I'm riding this storm out.

Yara isn't dead yet.

should clarify, dead seems irrelevant to me. she lost what appears to be her entire fleet. pretty irrelevant, unless there is some ignored land that has a fleet of ships to which their loyalty lies to some unknown dragon born queen

The most beautiful actress in GoT is the icelandic woman who was in the Hardhome episode of s05. But Robb's wife is a close second, 10/10 would get red wedding'd for.
I haven't really gotten the big feels for anyone i GoT (that only happens with anime characters), but I don't think Robb's wife was anything special. Neither is Sansa. Ygritte > both. :)
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new GoT episode was pretty cool. I called it too, Cersei got her present and the Greyjoy twins are still alive.

Euron is going to get killed off in the most brutal of fashions by the end of the season, you can just tell.

oh and i dont think Robbs wife was too attractive either. Missandei, Khaleesi and Sansa are the easiest on the eyes imo. Headey's not bad etiher.