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Best part about gray scale is that simply picking at it removes it completely from the body LOL. This dude has apparently never played an RPG before
So I finally got around to starting watching the original Twin Peaks. However, I think the pilot episode I saw had more in it than it should have because reading about it, it doesn't mention what I saw in the last 20 minutes.
Cooper gets a phone call from a mystery guy that turns out to be Mike and then they meet at a hospital and they find Bob in the basement who explains what thhe letters were for and then Mike kills him. Then it flashes forward 25 years with this weird scene with Cooper, a weird dwarf and someone that looks like Laura Palmer. Can someone explain if I was supposed to have seen this or not.
Endings again: Frost and Lynch shot another 20 minutes winding it all up for foreign markets who wanted a standalone product. (And presumably for ABC, who probably wanted a TV movie to air if they didn’t pick up the expensive pilot.) Included in this DVD set, it’s a pretty lousy finale, if only because it breaks a cardinal rule of the mystery genre by introducing a killer we’ve never seen before. But in it lie the roots of the Bob/Mike characters and the whole backwoods mythology that would be so important for the show in episodes to come. Lynch also recycled the weird coda as the dream sequence in the series’ second episode.
So I finally got around to starting watching the original Twin Peaks. However, I think the pilot episode I saw had more in it than it should have because reading about it, it doesn't mention what I saw in the last 20 minutes.
Cooper gets a phone call from a mystery guy that turns out to be Mike and then they meet at a hospital and they find Bob in the basement who explains what thhe letters were for and then Mike kills him. Then it flashes forward 25 years with this weird scene with Cooper, a weird dwarf and someone that looks like Laura Palmer. Can someone explain if I was supposed to have seen this or not.
The second season is abit more "out there" than the first, which you probably noticed when watching the first episode already.I finished the first season of Twin Peaks and thought it was pretty great. I was expecting it to be a bit more batshit crazy than it ended up being, but it's still quite bizarre. Lots of interesting characters, and of course I love the dark undertones of most of their storylines. I'm not really fond of Andy and Lucy, while most people probably find their social awkwardness and ineptness endearing, I just find them to be irritating. Then there's Audrey who's definitely one of the more interesting and bizarre characters, but I can't figure out how I feel about her yet. I hope season 2 develops her character further. That goes for Cooper as well, there's definitely more to find out about him, probably has some dark and troubled past.
Watched the first episode of season 2 as well, and what the fuck, that old man at the start![]()
After learning who the killer is I highly recommend skipping the episodes until you see Heather Grahams character appear. The middle of s2 is almost as bad as the reboot