The Official Good Television Thread

fuuuuuck this season has been so good. And we're only halfway through!

Yeah, but you're overly negative about everything ever :p. I can't just skip several episodes, I won't know what's happened. Suppose I could read about them but I'd prefer to watch.

Don't listen to these asshats. It gets kinda "off-topic" after you find out who killed Laura Palmer but the characters are still just as cool.
I finished the first season of Twin Peaks and thought it was pretty great. I was expecting it to be a bit more batshit crazy than it ended up being, but it's still quite bizarre. Lots of interesting characters, and of course I love the dark undertones of most of their storylines. I'm not really fond of Andy and Lucy, while most people probably find their social awkwardness and ineptness endearing, I just find them to be irritating. Then there's Audrey who's definitely one of the more interesting and bizarre characters, but I can't figure out how I feel about her yet. I hope season 2 develops her character further. That goes for Cooper as well, there's definitely more to find out about him, probably has some dark and troubled past.

Watched the first episode of season 2 as well, and what the fuck, that old man at the start :lol:

Just wait until the end of season 2 man, it's sheer insanity.
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Re: Game of Thrones, did the final moment of the last episode feel like a "take your bets on who's gonna make it" moment to you? I'm gonna go ahead and guess:

Jon - lives
Tormund - lives
Jorah - dies
Beric - dies
Gendry - lives
Thoros - dies
Sandor - lives

It is really weird seeing all these characters go on an adventure together. For all the shoddy writing we've had this season, I am enjoying seeing so many of these characters that have always been separate brought together.
I can't see more than three of them surviving, and part of me thinks only Jon makes it. Maybe Tormund too as he's our only connection to the wildings. The rest have "cheated death" in one way or another, and it seems like the Lord of Light was keeping them alive so they could contribute to this moment. Should make for an amazing fight scene.

What are ya'lls thoughts on Arya vs. Littlefinger? Does she know what he's up to or has she been played?

fuuuuuck this season has been so good. And we're only halfway through!


Sadly, there's only two episodes left. It's a shortened season. And it's too bad, they could have expanded this season into 10 episodes. I felt there were a number of scenes in this episode (especially Tyrion and Jaime) that needed more development.

nice new GoT episode, but it sucks that dragonfire didn't harm any of main characters. predictable.

Do the Tarelys getting torched count?
^ I was referring to the previous episode that time.

Yeah I know. I was wondering if the Tarelys getting incinerated in this episode satsified your craving or if it needed to be a bigger character.

What was written in that excerpt hidden in Littlefinger's bedsheet?

It was the letter Sansa wrote to Robb in season 1, asking him to bend the knee to Joffrey.
I was confused how little wiener even snuck up and watched Arya read that from a distance. Made me think maybe she knew it was a ploy.

I'm wondering how one of the dragons is going to die now. For me they've been foreshadowing a dragon falling for a while now. Doesn't look like Queen brotherfucker is going to do it now so that leaves... who exactly?
I thought they were gonna kill one this season too, but it's looking less likely with a truce on the horizon. I'm thinking they're keeping them around so we can see three people "ride" them: Dany and Jon, and either Tyrion (the dragons let him touch them; he's possibly a Tagarian bastard) or Bran via warging.
Re: Game of Thrones, did the final moment of the last episode feel like a "take your bets on who's gonna make it" moment to you? I'm gonna go ahead and guess:

Jon - lives
Tormund - lives
Jorah - dies
Beric - dies
Gendry - lives
Thoros - dies
Sandor - lives

It is really weird seeing all these characters go on an adventure together. For all the shoddy writing we've had this season, I am enjoying seeing so many of these characters that have always been separate brought together.

starting to feel like every 'weird' character is going to be in power for their house;

fat bastard for the Tarly's
Snow for Starks
Bastard for Barrathion
Tyrion for Lannister's

Guess Danny isn't weird for her family but she is a woman so that's like -300 privilege points
Apparently HBO Spain and Sweden accidentally aired the new Game of Thrones before it should have been so it's available on the Internet. A few friends have watched it and said it's the best episode of the season! But I think I'll wait until Monday.