The Official Good Television Thread

I think I've burned myself out on good TV. I have next to zero interest in checking out the latest GoT or Twin Peaks. Simpsons reruns till I die.
I'm blaming the lord of light for, in advance, alerting Dani somehow to the group's peril. Before things went to shit, before that note by a raven sent.
Jon Snow is shit. He was fucking running around like an idiot and killing wights to show Dany he can fight. Little twat, he put them all in danger. Why couldn't he just get on the fucking Drogon and everything would come good? They'll end up fucking, he's already feeling his dick deep into her pussy.
Rewatching it too, halfway through season 6.

I think my ranking would be: 3, 6, 1, 4, 2, 7, 5

3. The Red Wedding, Dany torching Astapore, Jaime and Brienne, every scene involving two or more Lanisters, Jon and Ygrite. Even the little moments like Sharine and Davos are great. I guess the Ramsy/Theon arc is the weakest, but even that one I find interesting.

6. Still rewatching this season, so it may move up or down, but episodes 9 and 10 are possibly the best two episodes of this show period. There's also Dany buring the Khals, Hodor's unbelievable send-off, the Tower of Joy, Jon and Arya reuniting, Jon's resurrection, and Jon killing the traitors. On the downside, Arya's plot at the House of Black and White ends absurdly with her surviving multiple stab wounds to the gut. There's still some Dorne crap, and while I don't hate the High Sparrow arc, I'm also not in love with it.

1. Dany's season 1 arc might be the best single arc of the entire saga. Ned's arc is compelling as is Arya's, and everything with Tyrion is awesome. The drama, manipulation, and back stabbing in King's Landing is interesting, especially Varys and Little Finger. The stuff with Robb in the last few episodes are my favorite Robb moments. On the downside, there's a shit-ton of exposition and some of the actor's are still settling into their roles. It's not Jon's most interesting season either.

4. Everything in King's Landing is off the hook. The Purple Wedding, Tyrion's trial, everything involving Oberyn, the Mountian vs. the Viper, etc. Arya and the Hound is another great arc. However, there's not much else that captures me this season. Dany's arc is solid but unspectacular and the same can be said for Jon's. The Watchers on the Wall is by far the weakest GOT setpiece battle. Stannis doesn't do shit until the final episode.

2. Again, everything in King's Landing is great. Again, anything involving two or more Lanisters is great. Tyrion is just awesome this season. The stuff at Harrenhall is also phenomenal. Ayra and Tywin especially. This is Stannis's best season, and the stuff with Renly is engaging as well, prior to his death. Jon's arc is more interesting than season 1, but still not engrossing. Not a memorable Robb arc. By far Dany's worst arc in Qath.

7. Obviously, it's ranking could move up or down based on the finale. Lots of amazing set pieces, but less attention to detail. It's clear that the show-runners are writing off of bullet points, filling in the blanks, and feeling the pressure of time. Too many key moments are rushed and too many details are being overlooked (i.e. Tyrion and Jaime reuniting), which I think could have been avoided by flushing this out into 10 episodes. Still, there have been a ton of unforgettable moments: the slaughter of the Freys, Jon and Dany meeting, everything with Euron, Cersi mentally torturing Elaria, Lady Olena's farewell, Dany vs. the Lanisters (best battle scene of the saga thus far), Viscryion dying and turning into a whyte, all the Arya/Sansa/Little Finger machinations. On the other hand, the central plot of this season is going beyond the wall to steal a white walker in order to convince the ruler with the smallest and weakest army into a truce.

5. Too many dull arcs. Dorne sucks, Mareen stalls, we get the weakest Kings Landing arc, and the weakest Tyrion arc (although I still mostly like it). On the other hand, I really enjoy Arya's first season in Bravos. Jon's arc is pretty solid and finishss strong. The setpiece at Hardhome is pretty awesome, albeit overrated (not even close to the best episode or setpiece). The final stretch of Stannis is absolutely excellent. Shareen's death was the most disturbing and devastating moment in the entire saga, and seeing Stannis face his fate the next episode was beuatifully redeeming. Jon's assassination was similarly unsettling.
I've only seen the series once so my memory is fuzzy on the earlier seasons, but I'll try this too though my descriptions won't be as detailed as yours. Spoilers obviously.

4. Peak of the series easily. So many crazy episodes. Oberyn was perfectly cast and I loved him right off the bat, which made the trial by combat pretty harrowing. Dinklage's speech in the Tyrion's trial episode was so fucking venomous I was reminded of Bryan Cranston's performance in Breaking Bad. Joffrey's wedding. And then the Watchers on the Wall episode which might be my favorite of the series, I loved that the entire episode was all Night's Watch with no other diversions and I thought it was one of the few moments where the series managed to evoke a genuine sense of camaraderie. The bit where a bunch of the Night's Watch started chanting the oath together while a giant was trying to break through the gate (if I'm remembering this episode right) gave me the chills.

2. Someone asked earlier in this thread what the best death in the series is. One of my favorites is Theon's botched beheading of Rodrik Cassel during the capture of Winterfell. I love Theon's arc this season, it's so goddamn tragic and I think Alfie Allen is one of the best actors in the cast regardless of how later seasons have mismanaged his character. This is also the only season in which Jaqen H'ghar makes canonical appearances; it's arguable whether Arya's mentor at the house of black and white is even the same person and even if it is that's definitely not in the books.

1. I agree with crimsonfloyd that several actors hadn't really come to embody their characters yet. That aside, the first seasons of the series are the ones that adapt the books with the highest level of detail and passion so naturally they're gonna be up top.

3. Tbh the only parts of this season I remember are the Night's Watch mutiny and the Red Wedding. I think they saved the best parts of ASoS for season 4.

6. I would say that from season 5 and on the writers demonstrated an inability to tell a deep, coherent plot as soon as they strayed from the source material. S06 is the first season to largely cover events that haven't been depicted in the books yet and it suffers from it a lot. The story is told in broader strokes than before and doesn't make much sense when you stop to think about it. That said "The Door" and the last two episodes are fantastic. Though, as much as I root for Jon I gotta say he's a truly uncharismatic leader and a terrible tactician.

7. I feel like I'm losing brain cells every moment I'm watching this season. The quality of writing has devolved so much I can't really take the series seriously anymore. I wouldn't mind so much the overarching loss of internal consistency if there were at least some moments of well-crafted drama on a smaller scale (see: Hardhome) but the last episode kinda proved they can't even do that.

5. The good: Hardhome. The bad: Just about everything else...
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Season 4 is also probably my favourite season! Mostly because I love Oberyn so much. I remember being so fucking hyped for The Viper vs the Mountain and after that scene, I literally sat in silence for 5 minutes afterwards in complete shock and horror.

Glad you both agree season 5 is the lowest point of the series.

I also agree with the criticisms of season 7, but it's mostly been getting by on having some pretty spectacular battle sequences.
Season 4 is also probably my favourite season! Mostly because I love Oberyn so much. I remember being so fucking hyped for The Viper vs the Mountain and after that scene, I literally sat in silence for 5 minutes afterwards in complete shock and horror.

Glad you both agree season 5 is the lowest point of the series.

I also agree with the criticisms of season 7, but it's mostly been getting by on having some pretty spectacular battle sequences.

Haha, I had the same reaction after Mountain vs Oberyn fight. I couldn't believe my eyes and wanted to quit watching the series afterwards.
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yeah i was pretty shocked too at the end. Did not see that coming. And to add to that the whole scene is just 5 star to the fullest. From the moment they show Tyrion walking out all the way to the last second where he gets sentenced to death by his father. Beautiful cinematography, top notch acting etc. Television just cant get any better than GoT.
The final episode is entitled "The Dragon and the Wolf."


A. Jon finds out his true heritage
B. Jon and Dany become engaged (I don't understand why this hasn't happened for political reasons alone yet).

Or both.

Also, I think Arya is killing someone, either Littlefinger or Sansa. I'm leaning toward the former, as I think she would have handled Sansa already if she was going in that direction.
Still more likeable than Sansa. I can't fucking stand her. She's so materialistic, one dimensional and annoying. Wish she'd have died ages ago.

I'm not big on Littlefinger, but his interactions with Varys in the earlier seasons have been some of the best scenes on the show.
imagine what GoT could have been if shitty characters weren't dragged out for seasons for literally no reason. the fuck is theon still around for!