The Official Good Television Thread


Where the fuck is Jaime?
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@Vegard Pompey I need your verdict on the latest Twin Peaks!

The newest episode? It was pretty fantastic, not my favorite of the season (that would have to be 8), but maybe top 3. "I had another Monica Bellucci dream", I was laughing so fucking hard, Gordon is really killing it this season and so is Albert.

Apparently HBO Spain and Sweden accidentally aired the new Game of Thrones before it should have been so it's available on the Internet. A few friends have watched it and said it's the best episode of the season! But I think I'll wait until Monday.

I started watching it but the quality of the leak was bad so I dropped it 5 minutes in because I didn't want to experience what was likely gonna be the best episode of the season that way. I feel like I blue-balled myself, I'm so hyped for this episode :(


Where the fuck is Jaime?

Some of these prices are really strange. I can pay $5 for Oberyn, who lost all of his fights, or $1 for Bronn who won most (all?) of his fights. There's some medieval combat blog out there that did an in-depth analysis of all the fighters in the GoT series and ranked them according to their skill. IIRC, Bronn and Tormund were tied for 1st place.

I'll take Stannis, Jaqen H'ghar, 5 Bronns and 5 Tormunds.
School teacher gone criminal mastermind fullfilling his true purpose, The Legend: Walter White, 99 percent purest Meth.
Why are you guys talking about the new GoT when the latest Twin Peaks episode just aired? It just gets better and better. Seriously, I was shaking after the episode. Really really good! Soooo much going on now.

Yeah it's really coming together. Things are being explained and it seems like it's all coming to a great finale.

Still four episodes to go. :yow:
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It was a highly entertaining (though incredibly stupid) episode, but I'm a disappointed that, for a show so infamous for killing off major characters, they chickened out on the survival horror setup by not killing a single notable character. But on the plus side, my favorite character (Tormund) is still alive, so there's that.
It was a highly entertaining (though incredibly stupid) episode, but I'm a disappointed that, for a show so infamous for killing off major characters, they chickened out on the survival horror setup by not killing a single notable character. But on the plus side, my favorite character (Tormund) is still alive, so there's that.

Yeah it went all The Walking Dead at some points.
I did think more people would die. But they killed a fucking dragon and Daenerys was heartbroken. I actually found the scene with her an Jon near the end rather poignant - he clearly understood what the dragons mean to her. I'm a hopeless animal lover so I was traumatised when the dragon came writhing down to the floor, blood spilling everywhere. The Knight King must pay!
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I've just come to accept the ridiculous time travelling they've been employing in the show since last season, but it was definitely at its worst in this episode. It means that things don't get to sink in as much as they otherwise would I think.
That seems to be the reigning theory. Still it doesn't excuse all the writing snafus in that episode.

That's why he was waiting, not because the ice was going to break or what not

The stupidest complaints ive heard so far are "but the wights cant swim how did theu get visceron out?" " how did they get the chains". They clearly showed they can survive in water, just ask tormund.
That's why he was waiting, not because the ice was going to break or what not

The stupidest complaints ive heard so far are "but the wights cant swim how did theu get visceron out?" " how did they get the chains". They clearly showed they can survive in water, just ask tormund.

I read this in the IGN review. Is that where you saw it as well? I agree with most of their other complaints though. But I feel they were a bit harsh with this episode. They gave it a 6.9 but they've given every other episode this season between 8 and 10 I think.
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Do you guys have any favourite deaths from the show?

Jon Snow shoving his sword through the back of Karl Tanner's head and out through his mouth. The sound it makes when he pulls the sword out is delightfully disgusting. It also mirrors the way in which Arthur Dane died with the back stabbing.

Runner-up: A crown for a king?!

Oberyn's is too traumatic - he was my favourite character!