The Official Good Television Thread

I never said it was a show for intellectuals. I simply said it was too complex for you.

the best part about your position is that you ignore the complexity you praise the series for having. :lol:

If Ned didn't know that the rebellion was based on a lie, then his intentions could be just.

"if" ? how the fuck wouldn't he have known once he took Jon in? The show presented the war as just for Robert and Ned: Sister kidnapped, fight to save her.
But to make that knowledge public, they would not only have to have the knowledge but the motive release the info to overthrow the king who is terrible, overly jealous, and bankrupting the kingdom. no motive at all to question Robert's claim for power.
Since Rhaegar and Lyanna were both dead and no one knew what happened to the baby (except perhaps the midwives),

the damn wiki said the midwives and some other person knew. And the high sceptor annulled his original marriage, so what about his first wife? plenty of important people knew. don't get how you can just ignore all this evidence.
Do you really want to be the one to spread the message that the woman was obsessed with actually loved someone else?

with how it's presented now, it seems rather obvious that there was an assumption she wasn't happy with Robert and that culminated with the jealous war. but this wasn't played out in the show as I doubt it was Martin's direction and rather these terrible writers
That's not implausible at all. Soldiers fucking while at war is not exactly irregular.

missing the point

faithful and honorable Ned having an affair and then finding the whore he shagged and bringing the baby back. all within a year, according to the wiki about the rebellion. all the while there are whispers about her being in love with the Prince, possibly hearing about bearing a child. Nope, no suspicion.
The Tower of Joy occurred at the END of Robert's Rebellion.

fuck does this have to do with my point?
I don't see a problem here at all.

seems quite obvious how you're missing it at this point
But then you ruined it calling Cersei a garbage character. How is she a bad character? She's a monster and a terrible person, but hardly a bad character.

not even sure i'd call her a monster or a terrible person. she's just so meh and I think the writers could have given her a better direction. once Joffrey made it clear he was garbage and always going to be garbage, she should have just become a power hungry wanna be Queen fighting with her children and the Lannister family. instead, we get her moping around for 2 or 3 seasons while Margaery and Tommen hold her position
This is the last time I'm gonna respond to you because you don't know the story well enough to make this worth it.

"if" ? how the fuck wouldn't he have known once he took Jon in? The show presented the war as just for Robert and Ned: Sister kidnapped, fight to save her.

The battle of the Tower of Joy was at the END of Robert's Rebellion. Kings Landing had already been sacked, the Mad King already killed, thr battle of the Trident had already occured and Rhaegar had already been killed. Therefore, Ned's intentions in joining the rebellion could have been just and he could have completely bought the lie. to overthrow the king who is terrible, overly jealous, and bankrupting the kingdom. no motive at all to question Robert's claim for power.

Like Cersi says, when you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. If you're gonna challenge the king on the narrative he's most passionate about you better have a way to not only prove it, but to also remove him from power, because otherwise he's gonna kill you.

the damn wiki said the midwives and some other person knew. And the high sceptor annulled his original marriage, so what about his first wife? plenty of important people knew. don't get how you can just ignore all this evidence.

Again, what's their motive for making this knowledge public, challenging King Robert, and putting their lives on the line?

faithful and honorable Ned having an affair and then finding the whore he shagged and bringing the baby back. all within a year, according to the wiki about the rebellion. all the while there are whispers about her being in love with the Prince, possibly hearing about bearing a child. Nope, no suspicion.

I buy it. Soldier gone at war, doesn't know if he'll ever return, breaks his vow and makes a bad choice. Feels guilty and takes the kid home. The kid is his nephew and thus could very much look like his kid.

fuck does this have to do with my point?

See my first point in this post.
This show was ahead of its time

Dragon Ball Super is bananas right now. Just watched episode 108 and can hardly believe it. Even weirder, they seem to be starting Goku vs Jiren next week. I'm going to be annoyed if Goku goes out of the tournament early but as much as they've been hyping that turd Jiren theres no way he's going down this early.

The provisional titles for the episodes after seem like Jiren is probably going to pound Hit which is kinda lame. Poor guy is the only one worth a fuck in universe 6.
since all of you wackos arent watching Vietnam are you checking out The Deuce? Simon's new show about porn/prostitution/mob shit in NYC -- I think
Anyone watching this new British Phillip K Dick series Electric Dreams? Saw an ad for it yesterday, looks like it could be good, some good names in it..
best ep of curb so far. starting to wonder if David is losing his mind and using Seinfeld ideas/bits into Curb or realizing these young assholes don't watch Seinfeld