The Official Good Television Thread

I have it S4 > S2 > S1 > S3 > S5. Not sure where id rank S6. I need to go through that series again too. Really enjoyed it. Easily in my top 10 all time favorite shows. Maybe even top 5

I think I'd have it S2>S3>S4>S1>S5>S6, but that's going from memory and it might change after this rewatch. But hell, it didn't have a single season I didn't enjoy. Even though Season 6 is my least favorite, it still had Sam Elliot giving a hell of a performance. Definitely a top 10 or top 5 show for me, as well.

Also, so many great reaction gifs::

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Starting this today, got the whole day free so I'm gonna get in a few episodes hopefully.

Edit: First episode was really awesome. I already like this new story over the film's, it feels like the characters have more depth and history, rather than how the film seemed like just a bunch of randoms thrown onto a train to be oppressed.
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rewatch. still my favourite political satire ever.

also been rewatching justified, halfway through season 2 and it's really starting to get awesome. i feel like i'm recognising so many more character actors this time around, someone familiar turns up in every episode.
So Justified doesn't get awesome until the second season? I didn't mind the first episode, but I recently watched the second episode and thought it was kinda shitty. I wanna stick with it but hopefully the second episode isn't the level the whole first season is on, that'd be a bit rough.
I mean, Boyd Crowder doesn't become a main character until season 2 so obviously that's where it picks up :p

I don't remember the second episode at all, but there are at least a few great episodes later in s01.
there are a few light-hearted stand-alone eps like that, mostly early on. i think they’re good fun for the most part but they aren’t the reason i love the show. it becomes more of a saga in the second half of s1 onwards, with plotlines that build over the course of a season with a great cast of mostly villainous characters. stick with it!

i just watched the one with winona and the money, which is a pretty great stand-alone ep tbh
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"Homesick" by Willy Clay Band. It's not prominently featured or anything but you can hear it playing on a car radio in s03 and then again in a bar or something in s06.