The Official Good Television Thread

As much as I hope a new Dexter is going to be worth watching I really wonder where they are going to take it. They lost the plot well before the end of the last series and after this length of time the logical path would seem to be that one of the kids has taken over the family business. But I hope that's not all there is to the new series.
New Dexter? Sure. No idea where they're gonna go with it but it can't be worse than s08.

EDIT: The showrunner is Clyde Philips, who helmed the actually-good first four seasons. Promising.
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New Dexter sounds like it could be awesome or horrible
Not even sure if there could be any middle ground for this

I like time-travel movies
I like time-travel episodes of a series
But the whole time-travel-series thing just seems a little bit too complicated for me to try to follow
With Gary Sinise and Molly Ringwald?
Yeah I've got it on both VHS and DVD. I liked it, it still kind of stayed true to the book even though it swayed a few of the story lines a little bit.
Not really sure how desperate I am to see the new remake given how badly many remakes get done these days.
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It may be nostalgia speaking because it was always on tv here when I was a kid but I’ve always like it. Because it was on tv some of the violence was kind of muted

fear the evil fucking mullet though.

(Also probably won’t try to watch the new version, the people in it and the channel airing it looks like a recipe for shit.
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I was a little interested in the new one when I heard Owen King was producing, a bit of hope it might stay true to the book with his son on the watch. But I got quickly less interested when I heard Whoopie was going to be Mother Abigail.
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