The Official Good Television Thread

I'm personally quite happy with the share of TV shows Israel is is getting. I believe we're getting most of what is aired in the US,tbh, and a couple of select UK shows. I was merely commenting on the ones I've been able to catch/watch, and I only mentioned those two in one post because they're on adjacent timeslots here.
Rented the first disc from The Tick, the live series with Patrick Warburton. I'll tell you the truth, before they ever came out with a live version I thought Patrick Warburton was the only choice to play The Tick. Anyway, this is funny stuff.

In one scene Tick and some others are eating at a Chinese restaurant. The Tick stuffs a whole fortune cookie in his mouth. As he discovers the fortune he's like, "What's this?" and takes it out as part of the cookie also falls out. He then says, "It's a secret message, from my teeth". Classic!

Truthfully everything Tick is hilarious. The comics, the cartoon, and this live series. Too bad people were too dumb to see that. I think the live series was on for less than a full season.
Season 3 of Dexter is a bit lame so far. We're only four episodes in so far, so hopefully it'll get better.

Trust me, it gets better. Although it doesn't top season 1 it's a definite many steps above season 2.

24 continues to deliver.

New season has definitely delivered thus far! Vast improvement over the last one.

Also watching season 2 of The Wire atm and enjoying it thoroughly!

(and new Lost and Battlestar Galactica... to many god damn shows! :loco:)
Breaking Bad is back muthafuckas. I watched the first three episodes (two of which are leaked but I couldn't help myself) last night. Fucking intense viewing, I'd almost forgotten how good season one was. Everyone should check this show out.
I've seen one episode of season 2 so far, it was great but I'm gonna wait a few weeks so I can watch a whole bunch of them at once. That is bliss.
I've seen one episode of season 2 so far, it was great but I'm gonna wait a few weeks so I can watch a whole bunch of them at once. That is bliss.

Yeah true. That's why I couldn't help but watch the first three eps in one sitting.
It's a great show, but I really didn't like the fantasy/dream type sequences in the earlier seasons. The later episodes are definitely the best. The final episode is probably one of the best ever pieces of television.
Big fan of "Six Feet Under", started netflixing it a couple months ago. I just started season 3.

Also been watching "Entourage". The show seems overrated, but starting to pick up a little in season 2.
I love Curb Your Enthusiasm, considering I only like non laugh-track sitcoms it's right up my alley. It's pretty good. Prettyyyy prettyyyy prettyyyy prettyyyy pretty good.
Jemaine: It doesn't matter what country someone's from, or what they look like, or the color of their skin. It doesn't matter what they smell like, or that they spell words slightly differently...some would say, more correctly.

Sinjay: Yeah...

Jemaine: Let me finish. I'm a person. Bret's a person. You're a person. That person over there is a person. And each person deserves to be treated like a person.

Sinjay: That's a great speech. Too bad New Zealanders are a bunch of cocky a-holes descended from criminals and retarded monkeys.

Jemaine: No you're thinking of Australians.

Bret: Yeah that's definitely Australians.
Battlestar Galactica finale tonight. I thought it was really good and I think I'll be digesting it for a while. *SPOILER* I was on the verge of tears when Roslin died. She was consistently one of my favorites.

Afterward on Space (Canadian SciFi channel) they had a "FanForum" where they had some various personalities from Toronto talk about the show. One of them to my surprise was my Latin American History professor. I'm going to have to talk to him next class.