The Official Good Television Thread

I am fucking pumped for the new season starting for:

The Office (Probably the last season)

and now the Big Bang Theory.
Haven't heard of it. Sounds like a lot of explosions and cheap one liners said by guys with punk outfits and guns. (of course that's just a guess)
Watched Weeds recently.

First 3 seasons were pretty good, but the 4th was just ridiculous, didn't fancy the 5th.

And started watching Six Feet Under. It's odd, nothing really stands out about it, but it's still enthralling.

It has really good character development. It kinda drags in one of the season, but I forget what one.
I've recently gotten hooked on Sex and the City. FUCK if it isn't brilliantly written and executed for its intended target audience (American females who are not rich)
Shitty television? It was on the air for 10 years and made all the stars filthy rich and they made 2 HUGE-budget movies off it. Not so shitty as far as marketing and money and viewers are concerned.
well yeah still shitty tele!

SONS...not shitty tele! Can't wait.

Also to the Spartacus mention. While the lead actor recovered from cancer (he now doing just fine) they filmed a prequil about the House Of Batius that will air around the new year supposably. All the while season- 2 soon to be filmed and follow just after prequil finishes.
al swearengen.

that's all i have to say


Swidgum..... COCK SUCKA