The Official Good Television Thread

First 45 minutes of Sons of Anarchy = boring
Last 15 minutes = holy shit

It really set the tone for the rest of the season

(and STN I don't care if you think it's a shitty show, I think it's awesome so this is a pre-post fuck you)
(and STN I don't care if you think it's a shitty show, I think it's awesome so this is a pre-post fuck you)

See here:
I've almost finished season 2 of Sons Of Anarchy. As much as I think it's a pretty unrealistic and badly produced show compared to the greats like Breaking Bad or The Sopranos, I'm now well and truly sucked in due to its soap-opera qualities.

I'm downloading ep 1 of season 3 right now. I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO JACKS' BABY OMG
After much pestering from my one friend, I have finally been getting into Battlestar Galactica and I must admit, the show is quite good for scifi television (save for a few shitty filler episodes here and there). Just started season three and looking forward to seeing the rest.

Other than that I am a little behind with Mad Men, need to catch up that one, but I am liking what I have seen from season 4. I finished catching up with Breaking Bad about a month ago, the first two seasons were excellent, but I feel as though season three kind of lulled for a bit without a clear sense of direction (the ending of the third season kind of saved it a bit though). I also watched Carnivale not too long ago, probably one of the most unique series I have seen on modern television. The mythology and imagery is extremely dense and the show moves very slow initially, so I am not surprised it got cancelled after only two seasons. Quality show nonetheless.

I have also been following Rubicon, again, another great show whose pacing may be its death knell. It is brilliantly shot, very cinematic (I am reminded of Fassbinder's work in particular), and the conspiracy that everything seems to be leading up to is engaging, I just hope the show doesn't disappoint with the pay off, because if it stinks the show is sunk for sure. That said, I have a good feeling that it will be worth the time investment.

I also finally started watching Sopranos, almost finished the first season and it is well worth the praise it received so far, I will definitely be watching more.

@Oz, does Sons of Anarchy have anything to do with anarchy as in anarchism or is it just a poorly appropriated name for the motorcycle gang the show seems to be about?
The only thing that matters with Anarchy here is...that ITS IN THE TITLE OF THE BEST FOOKIN SHOW OUT THERE! ;)
Tues nite dollar draft beers at a local establishment had me delayed in seeing the new episode...will see the replay / repeat on fri. can't wait
Been watching Always Sunny in Philadelphia for a couple of days.
About to start season 3.

Fucking funny stuff. Been meaning to get around to it since I saw the cat walking on the table in the little boots gif, but it's way better than I expected.
Been watching Always Sunny in Philadelphia for a couple of days.
About to start season 3.

Fucking funny stuff. Been meaning to get around to it since I saw the cat walking on the table in the little boots gif, but it's way better than I expected.

Kitten mittons!

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I watched Six Feet Under (Season 5) recently, without having seen the rest. It wasn't too hard to catch up, but I thought the show was severely flawed and I didn't really like it. It's tough to watch 50 minutes of people yelling and acting irrationally. It was acted well enough, but there were no sympathetic characters, and the mother was pretty much history's biggest monster.
lol yeah

i've only seen the first 2 seasons so far but i think it's absolutely amazing sometimes. it does this thing, right, which tv never ever manages to do, where scenes feel like you're just eavesdropping on part of a much longer conversation or situation, and you sense that it was already going before you joined and it will continue after you leave. when that show's really firing, which is often, the scenes aren't packaged in a nice little ball with setup and resolution, but instead just feel like this strained mess of emotions and trivial asides and not-so-clear attempts to express internal feelings. it's fucking real life man, it doesn't feel written, it's sloppy and awkward and real.

and the characters were obviously created at first with just a couple of adjectives in mind like repressed homosexual, alienated young girl starved for attention, directionless apathetic young man looking for meaning in life etcetc and it could easily end up really stereotypical or schematic, but they take these characters and put them in every kind of situation and bleed every fucking drop from those initial blueprints, i can't believe the places they go and the existential dread which hangs over the whole thing and the complexity and intensity and ambiguity which results. it's impossible not to end up feeling drained and exhilarated and totally and utterly connected to these characters regardless of your initial impressions (some of which are probably negative) because they're laid bare before you and they're every bit as sticky and vulnerable and confused as everyone ultimately is.

i truly love this show. confirms my theory that it was that shithead cunt sam mendes who ruined american beauty for me.
I'm almost through the first season of Sopranos. I don't love it yet, but I like it. I only found Tony interesting at first, but the rest of the cast is growing on me.

Anyway, anyone ever noticed how seemingly random the posters are? Anthony Jr. has a Nevermore poster in his room, and listens to hip-hop. Meadow has an Ulver poster in her room (Nattens madrigal, actually) and listens to, well, Not Ulver. Did some metalhead set decorator just throw them there for fuck's sake?
They're all Century Media posters. Somebody at HBO probably knew somebody at CM or vice versa, or they paid for them to be displayed.

I just finished watching season 3 of Brotherhood on DVD after having seen it before on TV. It's a good show, better than most, but still not quite on par with The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Deadwood etc. I think the best thing about it is that it's totally rooted in reality, there's no straying into fantasy sequences or totally over the top characters. There's a such a mundane feel to it that makes everything completely believable. Visually it's extremely impressive too, with several people who worked on The Sopranos directing it, Peter Weir also directed a few episodes. The only real downside is the last season was too short, it feels as thought the writers were forced to rush through the conclusion in the last two episodes.