The Official Good Television Thread

Desmond? How the hell is he interesting? He cant ask a girl to marry him because her rich father hates him, got kicked out of the Scotland army and that's it.

...And gets stuck on the island pressing that button forever, then he starts foreseeing the future and traveling through time etc. He is most definitely an interesting person.

And there's been 1 episode taht was filler, not last thursday but I think before that...where Jack had his appendix taken out

That episode was semi-filler. Relevant stuff happened aside the appendix removal bullshit.
I really can't watch tv that much, since 99% of shows are predictable/stupid unimaginative crap IMO.
RE: Lost, it is definitely worth investing your time into. THe first two seasons are great suspenseful television. Now season 4 is about to end in two weeks and it's starting to lose me a little bit. things are going waaaaaay over the top now. if i didnt know the show was going to end after season 6, id quit watching because they could keep this going on forever.
idk if this fits here, but i swear my friend is retarded :lol:

SlayPanicA666 (8:47:43 PM): is it true that you have been whakkin' off in my camper?
Smithers 1123 (8:48:02 PM): beavis and fag head
SlayPanicA666 (8:48:08 PM): lmao
SlayPanicA666 (8:48:09 PM): yep!
SlayPanicA666 (8:48:19 PM): isnt that movie fucking great
SlayPanicA666 (8:48:20 PM): seriously
SlayPanicA666 (8:48:21 PM): lol
Smithers 1123 (8:48:36 PM): when i was like 12 yeah
SlayPanicA666 (8:48:59 PM): u need to get a better sense of humor dood
Smithers 1123 (8:49:22 PM): coming fgrom you thats funnay
SlayPanicA666 (8:50:13 PM): not really man, you think stupid sarcastic bullshit is funny and not things that are actually halarious
SlayPanicA666 (8:50:14 PM): lol
Smithers 1123 (8:50:36 PM): dude beavis and butthead is the most immature comedy ever
Smithers 1123 (8:50:38 PM): so yah..
SlayPanicA666 (8:50:51 PM): dosent matter if its immature
SlayPanicA666 (8:50:57 PM): its funny as fuck
SlayPanicA666 (8:50:59 PM): lol
Smithers 1123 (8:51:27 PM): wtf are u talking about it doesnt matter
Smithers 1123 (8:51:35 PM): its only funny bc u think that lame 10 yr old shit is funny
SlayPanicA666 (8:52:12 PM): well most of B&B's fans are adults
SlayPanicA666 (8:52:15 PM): so yeah....
SlayPanicA666 (8:52:16 PM): lol
SlayPanicA666 (8:52:50 PM): what would you consider a funny show?
Smithers 1123 (8:52:59 PM): seinfeld
SlayPanicA666 (8:53:05 PM): lmao
SlayPanicA666 (8:53:09 PM): are you serious?
SlayPanicA666 (8:53:17 PM): that show is boring
SlayPanicA666 (8:53:27 PM): i laughed a few times the few times i watched it
SlayPanicA666 (8:53:32 PM): but its mostly really boring
SlayPanicA666 (8:53:33 PM): lol
Smithers 1123 (8:53:47 PM): thanks for proving my point yo
I refer to my television as "the Seinfeld". It is the portal through which I watch Seinfeld.