The official metal 2010 thread!

News from A Forest of Stars' myspace:

It has occurred to the Gentleman's Club that, as of late, our musical ventures have become something of a secondary concern to both our more esoteric and public activities. However we recently made the decision to reverse this state of affairs by capturing several new compositions, written on and off over the past year or two.

The process of committing these impetuous fumblings to wax commenced precisely one week ago, on Saturday 23rd November 1889 and we expect to conclude proceedings late January 1890, with a view to it being released to the general public sometime in the late spring, if all goes according to plan.

In more recent events, the availability of the vinyl release of The Corpse of Rebirth is imminent. More information is available on our profile.

In other words, there'll be a new album or EP or something coming out this spring.
New Void of Silence

Watain's new album Lawless Darkness will be released on June 7th through Seasons of Mist. An EP has been released as a sort of teaser. Here's the tracklisting:

1. Death's Cold Dark 05:29
2. Malfeitor 06:58
3. Reaping Death 05:07
4. Four Thrones 06:16
5. Wolves Curse 09:12
6. Lawless Darkness 06:08
7. Total Funeral 06:04
8. Hymn to Qayin 05:57
9. Kiss of Death 07:46
10. Waters of Ain 14:31
dunno if anyone remembers me...I haven't posted here in a couple years (save for one or two posts occasionally)

but my 2010 metal list is as follows:

The Ocean (Collective) - Heliocentric - 9/10, it was a lil bit too much "straying from the norm" for me and not quite "metal" enough, but otherwise some of the "risks" were fuckin awesome, such as the sax solo on "The Origin of God"

Lair of the Minotaur - Evil Power - 8/10, some of it was just meh, but the meh was offset by the FUCK YES of most other parts of the album

High on Fire - Snakes for the Divine - I can't give this a number score since I think Matt Pike is a rating for this album is as follows: yes.

Darkthrone - Circle the Wagons - 6.5/10, I'm sorry to all people that like this but it just wasn't right to me...I enjoyed it but wasn't completely buying it

Overkill - Ironbound - 8.5/10, I love them. I don't care if you say they're gimmicky, generic, overrated, cliche, or whatever. This album was pure thrash and even Blittz's voice worked, and it strangely reminded me of Bruce Dickinson (I figure I'll be flamed for saying this for some stupid reason)

Borknagar - Universal - 7.5/10, I love progressive, but again, as with Darkthrone's change and unlike The Ocean's change, this change was...too much of a change. Regardless, the music was still pretty epic and well-made. Just overall I didn't really feel it.