The Official Movie Thread

Just watched Juno. I thought it was good. I didn't like the end, but the rest of the movie was excellent. I thought Knocked Up and Superbad were a lot better, though.
They aren't the same style of comedy at all though. One's a frat boy comedy and one's like a contemporary(I guess? for Juno) isn't the same at all to the others. The only similiar cast is the BF/father of Juno's kid from what I remember
Which one's a frat boy comedy?
I think they're comparable because they deal with similar themes and they're all recent. Whatever.
How the fuck is Juno similar to Superbad? They're both comedies where the main characters are high school students, and Michael Cera is in both. The similarities end there.

I haven't seen Knocked Up, but from what I gather, it's only similarity to Juno is that it involves pregnancy.
Gotta love holocaust porn.

Haha I have these in my Netflix queue. Methinks there will be much juggling of teats.

Loads, and much of the time for absolutely no reasons whatsoever. Also lots of real creative torture methods in She Wolf of the SS. I haven't seen the others yet, but I heard they're more porn and less torture.