The Official Movie Thread

"Hey Billy. Billy! The other day, I went up to my girlfriend, I said, 'Y’know I’d like a little pussy'. She said, 'Me too, mine’s as big as a house!'"

"hey billy! So I was goin down on my girlfriend, and I was like 'Wow you gotta big you gotta big pussy.' It echoed."

er something like that
"hey billy! So I was goin down on my girlfriend, and I was like 'Wow you gotta big you gotta big pussy.' It echoed."

er something like that

"Billy. Billy! The other day, I was going down on my girlfriend, I said to her, 'Jeez you got a big pussy. Jeez you got a big pussy.' She said, 'Why did you say that twice?' I said, 'I didn’t.'"
Check out Eyes Without a Face if you want to see a really well done 1959 face removal scene. Also a solid movie, though it might be a bit slow for some here.
I've seen that. don't remember much about it...but I know I've seen it

Surgeon wanting to help his daughter who's face was ruined in an accident abducts young ladies and surgically removes their faces in an attempt to discover a way to replace his daughter's face. Ring any bells?
no no I remember the plot and everything, I just don't remember anything outstanding from the film

I may have drunk too much that night
Has anyone ever seen E. Merhige's Begotten? If you're in the mood for a dark, depressing, and silent (almost) experience then it's definitely worth checking out. It's a fucked up film.
Is that based off of St. Augustine's book?

:lol: Not quite. Great movie though.

On the topic of Begotten, I've seen the beginning, it looks really good. I know somewhere you can watch the whole thing online if anyone is interested. If you want to buy it, it only seems to be avaliable at ridiculous prices. I found it for $11 once but then I lost the site.