The Official Movie Thread

I never saw the whole of Begotten but there is an unofficial music vid up on Youtube for Silencer's "Sterile Nails and Thunderbowels" which uses clips from the movie.
Watched American Psycho for the 300:th time today and i still think Batemans morbid obsession with the cards is hilarious,i love how he starts sweating because another guy has a nicer card than him.
I felt American Psycho was extremely overrated. His character was fun to watch, but everything seemed very forced and that kept bothering me through the whole film.
Just saw You And Me And Everyone We Know. Great movie, and this clip is hilarious.

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for the American Psycho detractors, read the book and enjoy the epiphany that the novel is pretty much a textbook on how to write a ridiculously well developed character

anyhow. watched Aliens tonight. still badass as ever
"Nuke the site from's the only way to be sure."
Finished watching Naqoyisqatsi yesterday and whilst perusing the IMDB site, I found a review which summed up my feelings towards the film almost exactly (only a little more extreme):

This is a failure so complete as to make me angry.

All of the subtlety and structure of Reggio's early films is gone, leaving nothing but a hash of digitally smeared images whose sole purpose seems to be Whining About Bad Things Humans Do. Just how do Star Trek-like wormhole graphics, slo-mo colorized seascapes, mutiplicities of obviously fake computer icons, and shots of athletic competition that, incidentally, show that no one has ever been able to top (or even match) Leni Riefenstahl for filming bodies in motion, edited together with an overlay of video colorization that a 1980s "Dr. Who" producer would have rejected as "too cheesy," add up to a polemic against "civilized violence"? There is no intellectual, emotional, or visceral connection between these images as assembled and mutated by Reggio and way too many digital effects artistes, and the cautionary tale I assume he wanted to produce. With all of the "dramaturgical consultants" involved, no one seems to have pulled his head out the his own feeling of Saying Something Important and considered that they might all be failing to say something new.

Only people who watch too much television could make such a film and believe that it's meaningful; this is kindergarten Stan Brakhage, and ultimately gutless in its relentless obviousness. The only irony and tension evident here (unlike in "Koyaanisqatsi" where the relentless beauty and strangeness of time-altered ordinary images forced you to consider their meaning) was when the DVD I was watching jammed and skipped. This is MTV for the Noam Chomsky crowd, based on reflex rather than reflection and signifying nothing. Two stars for the music, which is in Glass's best pomo-Cesar Franck style and features some passionate cello from Yo-Yo Ma. (I hope for his sake that he didn't have to record his parts to a playback of the film; there are some things you shouldn't have to do even for a paycheck.)

It's a real shame that Glass' score and the previous two films in this trilogy have to be associated with such a mess.
I haven't seen any of the other films in the trilogy, but Koyaanisqatsi is such a beautiful movie accompanied by one of the most powerful soundtracks...I love it
Koyaanisqatsi is by far the best in the trilogy, and one of my favourite films, but I actually think the soundtrack for Naqoyisqatsi is better. Definitely worth a listen if you find a way to do so without seeing the film.

In other news, I saw The Woodsman the other day. Pretty engaging and I was impressed with the understated ending, but it didn't really stick out in anyway... I probably will have forgotten all about it in a week. Decent, just not memorable.
just watched se7en for the first time. I was impressed; also that they left one murder unsolved was a good idea.

Se7en is one of my favorite movies of all time. It's the best movie of the serial killer genre, for me; and the comparisons in the film to Dante's Inferno are amazing (I'm a literature major, so I loved that).

Also, what murder do you think they left unsolved (I'm just trying to think of what you might mean, but I can't)? Acknowledge if it's a spoiler or something.
Se7en is one of my favorite movies of all time. It's the best movie of the serial killer genre, for me; and the comparisons in the film to Dante's Inferno are amazing (I'm a literature major, so I loved that).

Also, what murder do you think they left unsolved (I'm just trying to think of what you might mean, but I can't)? Acknowledge if it's a spoiler or something.

yeah I was really happy to hear the literary refrences etc. They were used perfectly to.

WEll I could be wrong, but it seemed like they only saw 6 of the seven murders, the last one being Gwyneth Paltrow's head in the box big-ordeal.
yeah I was really happy to hear the literary refrences etc. They were used perfectly to.

WEll I could be wrong, but it seemed like they only saw 6 of the seven murders, the last one being Gwyneth Paltrow's head in the box big-ordeal.

Gluttony- Fat Man
Greed- Lawyer
Sloth- Drug Dealer/pedophile
Pride- Model
Lust- Prostitute


If you haven't seen the film, skip over my post.

John Doe was killed by Brad Pitt because he was envious of his normal life. Envy was John Doe's sin.

The final sin was Brad Pitt's: wrath, because he harbored vengeful/violent feelings towards delinquents such as John Doe. He wasn't killed for his sin though; instead, his wife was killed (as well as their unborn child), and that was his punishment. Before he shoots him, Kevin Spacey tells Brad Pitt "Become vengeance David; become wrath."

The final two bodies were John Doe and Brad Pitt's wife.
If anyone´s interested i can recommend the Swedish movie "Four Shades Of Brown". In a sense the movie is unique because it could be named as comedy/dark drama. And by dark i mean really dark.