The Official Movie Thread

Can't wait for new Hulk and Dark Knight movies. The Happening trailer didn't look TOO bad, but M. Night howeverthefuckyouspellhisname is the director.

Finished A Nightmare Elm Street series finally. Good stuff.
ill download the new hulk, but will def see Dark night first day. Happening may download if none of my friends want to go not sure yet
was watchin die hard a few days ago when i realized, what the hell has happend to action movies? seems like nowadays maybe one gun goes off and doesnt kill anyone and then they just slap each other around.
movies need more gunfights.
I saw The Forbidden Kingdom today. Fun action. That's about it. Story was okay, acting was okay.
@panzer: If you liked Seven, you should check out David Fincher's newest film, Zodiac (Fincher's one of my favorite directors, so I'm a little biased; but it's a great film, I think).

Furthermore, I have a question: I recently saw a video on Youtube of Moonsorrow's Jumalten Kaupunki synced up with clips from a movie called 7 Swords. The choreography and cinematography looked spectacular. Is it s good film?
When I first saw the trailers for that movie it didn't look too appealing. But I've heard its a well thought out and developed comic book movie. But lack of money will prevent me from seeing it untill it comes out on DVD.
I read in a magazine that Edward Norton is super pissed at the Hulk promoter(i guess is the right word?) because they chopped out at like 30m ending for some hollywood-ending. That's why I guess he isn't doing interviews or promoting it...sounds like it could be better with a Norton style ending