The Official Movie Thread


david cronenberg didn't direct gangs of new york...that was martin scorsese

edit: dammit einherjar!

though Gangs of New York would be pretty fricken sweet if Cronenberg had directed it...heads exploding and shit
All this Batman talk is tempting me to watch it again for the billionth time.

Only 999,999,990 times for me, but six of those were in it's original theatrical release. The first in this movie series is easily still my favorite, and imo, still has the best performance of the entie character of Bruce Wayne/Batman.
It's news to me that C. Bale is once again playing The Dark Knight. I recently caught the trailer, and everone was only talking about H. Ledger as The Joker, even before his untimely death. This newest Batman doesn't look as good as the new Indiana Jones is going to be.

david cronenberg didn't direct gangs of new york...that was martin scorsese

edit: dammit einherjar!

though Gangs of New York would be pretty fricken sweet if Cronenberg had directed it...heads exploding and shit

Too slow, my friend. :cool:

Cronenberg's a great director. The movies he's been putting out with Mortensen have been great (Eastern Promises was better than A History of Violence, though).
That's a close call there, but it's not just Cronenberg, who by the way is godlike in my book. Viggo seriously researches every single role he plays. He developes his character, almost becomming that person, who doesn't even exist, they are a character. He also does it w/ characters who did exist, an example of this would be in Mortensens' Hildago. The horse in that film was a character of it's own, but that's another thread/post.
Just came back from a sci-fi movie marathon at my local indie/old movies theater.

The Island of Lost Souls - arrived late, only caught the second half, fun with a big audience, but probably not that good for watching alone.

Earth Vs. The Flying Saucers - kickass as hell, and independence day obviously was influence by/ripped off this film. Really awesome effects (for 50s effects), and overall a great sci-fi classic.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers - skipped this for lunch cause I already saw it, but caught the tale end of it, really solid sci-fi flick.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - I'm not huge into Star Trek, so it was kind of meh, but I was glad to see the infamous "KHAAAAAAAN!" scene on the big screen.

Death Race 2000 - Seen this before, and loved it just as much the second time. This movie is the epitome of epic, gotta love the idea behind it, a race across America to see who can hit the most pedestrians. Probably the best

The Road Warrior - My first time seeing this, and I have to say it was pretty damn kickass. I gotta check out the other 2 now.

Robocop - Another first for me, and god damn! What the hell happened to action movies? This completely shits on all the stuff we have today, loads of blood, kickass stop-motion robot (much more realistic looking than lame CGI) and overall a solid film.
The Road Warrior - My first time seeing this, and I have to say it was pretty damn kickass. I gotta check out the other 2 now.

It basically builds the story up for then next two so if you liked that one you'll love the other two.

EDIT: woops, forgot thats the second one lol, you might find the first more boring than the others.
I'll skip on that Thor movie...I'm not a fan of the comic book super hero movies and if its written by the same guy who wrote the latest Poseidon and I Am Legend...

But David Cronenberg is growing on me. I loved A History Of Violence and Scanners and Eastern Promises was pretty fucking good as well. I have The Dead Zone (or whatever it is called) in my queue...I should get it eventually.