The Official Movie Thread

Well I understand it being hollywood-ish at times, it's just that Batman wasn't like that at all(atleast with what I recall) and purely a dark fucking amazing movie which looks like the sequel will be fucking orgasmic.

And yes, raimi does suck. Fuck the spiderman series, he should go back to Darkman :D
Hey, has anyone heard about the movie with Ray Stevenson coming out called Outpost? It's been on IMDb forever and I was wondering if anyone had heard about its status, and whether or not it's actually being released.
watched Before the Devil Knows You're Dead tonight. Holy shit it was terrible :lol:
There were two, no make that three good things about this movie.
Marisa Tomei is fucking fine!
The old guy dad makes the best faces.
a couple people die.
I saw that a while back. I didn't hate it but it wasn't great. The most annoying thing was when they would zoom in on a character's face and play this weird breakbeat.

Iron Man seems to be exactly what Marvel and Favreau wanted. Its the perfect comic book movie. I only hope that Hulk will be good too.
Sam Raimi can eat a dick
Iron Man was great. I'll probably see the hulk because it was filmed in Toronto and a lot of the scenes feature locations at U of T.

Anyone see Forgetting Sarah Marshall? I thought it was hilarious