The Official Movie Thread

That is the supidest idea I have ever heard. Ever. And that includes some fucking doosies. There is no way in fucking hell that the sun could be reignited. Glad I never saw it, my I.Q. would have dropped down to my fucking shoe size.

Yeah, when I saw the preview I pissed my pants and forgot where I lived.



Worst movie in history probably. But then again, it's based on a THEORY of some CERN nerds, as in the sun just stop burning instead of turning into that whatever color dwarf and taken it for what it was. As long as they didn't go Niel Armstrong on it with nuclear bombs. Oh and that religious guy wtf ALSO what the fuck was up with the gravity inside the bomb thing? When he threw the guys off the "edge"? Fun to watch tho so I guess.
The sun isn't completely dead it's just like slowly running out of gas. So people still live but they only have one chance left to go up and re-ignite it with a bomb the size of Manhattan because they've used all the resources of whatever material it was on that one bomb (and the one before it that failed). It had really awesome effects but everything else just sucked in a fun way. It's a great movie to watch when you have beer and want something to laugh directly at. Like if you wanna point for example and laugh, can't do that to a real person cause he will gather his paki mob and kill you but this movie is perfect for it :) said:
# The plot does not revolve around the sun dying in the normal sense: this is not due for around five billion years based on our understanding of nuclear fusion. It has instead been "infected" with a "Q-ball" - a supersymmetric nucleus, left over from the big bang - that is disrupting the normal matter. This is a theoretical particle that scientists at CERN are currently trying to confirm, and was one of the many contributions of the science advisor. The film's bomb is meant to blast the Q-ball to its constituent parts which will then naturally decay, allowing the sun to return to normal.

# Dr Brian Cox, CERN / Manchester University, acted as the film's science advisor. His wife was involved in production of the movie's blog.

Fucking space nerds.
oh noes! Mr kunt beat me to it =O

It's a Q-ball, yes. It is important that you know this before you watch the movie, as this is in no way explained anywhere during the film. Also, to all you haters out there. Go watch this movie! It is indubitably the best movie I have ever seen! Don't diss it until you've seen it. At least any one who has even the basest understanding of physics should watch it. It's truly mesmerizing. Oh, and to all the horror fans, you'll love it too, as Freddy has a guest appearance in it. Also, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the sun!