The Official Movie Thread

I watched Teaching Mrs, Tingle today. It's sort of a comedy about a bitch of a literature high-school teacher that is being held captive in her own house by three of her pupils. While the setting and the plot are pretty standard, but the acting is good, especially of Helen Mirren, playing the teacher. She practically steals the show. A good film to revisit when that nostalgia for high-school suddenly kicks in.
ever see the cartoon where the big bulldog comes across a little kitten and starts barking at it, but the kitten doesn't care and climbs up on the dog's back and makes itself a little bed there, and the dog ends up loving the little kitten? Classic!!!
Live Free or Die Hard was pretty great, though I don't think it has the "watch it again and again" quality that the first and third ones had. A bit too grandiose.

Once you get over the absurdity of a New York detective going to pick up a kid in Camden to take him to D.C., it's pretty damn great.
Live Free or Die Hard was pretty great, though I don't think it has the "watch it again and again" quality that the first and third ones had. A bit too grandiose.

Once you get over the absurdity of a New York detective going to pick up a kid in Camden to take him to D.C., it's pretty damn great.

Just like in the new punisher, I pretended there wasn't a plot, and just payed attention to the mindless violence.
It's an action movie. You're SUPPOSED to ignore the plot and look at the violence. Violence is the reason you're there. It's called temporary suspension of disbelief... the audience (especially in live theatre) has to refuse to disbelieve and just be immersed in what they're watching or it will suck.
It's an action movie. You're SUPPOSED to ignore the plot and look at the violence. Violence is the reason you're there. It's called temporary suspension of disbelief... the audience (especially in live theatre) has to refuse to disbelieve and just be immersed in what they're watching or it will suck.

o'rly? are you going to tell us next about how the sky is blue or that the son is hot?
I don't see why people get bent out of shape about plot holes in action movies. I just think of them like fantasy movies.

But the New York cop goes to Jersey to drive someone to D.C. thing just stood out to me because it was really, really stupid and there was no need for it. An NYPD cop taking someone to D.C., I can buy. But picking the kid up from Camden first? I don't get why they would go and add a plot hole like that.
It's an action movie. You're SUPPOSED to ignore the plot and look at the violence. Violence is the reason you're there. It's called temporary suspension of disbelief... the audience (especially in live theatre) has to refuse to disbelieve and just be immersed in what they're watching or it will suck.


I couldnt give a shit where they travelled, if they hoverboarded to Venus I wouldnt care, as long as all the brutal violence is still there.
I watched Jacob's Ladder last night. It was all going great for the first two thirds of the film. Absorbing plot and all that crap, then BAM! the final third was essentially rubbish. What the hell kind of ending was that?! It was a rubbish ending. Also, the whole dead son thing was completely unescessary and just pissed me off, I couldn't have given less of a shit about his son if I tried.
It was such a shame, could have been a really good film, instead it ends up being average.
It's an action movie. You're SUPPOSED to ignore the plot and look at the violence. Violence is the reason you're there. It's called temporary suspension of disbelief... the audience (especially in live theatre) has to refuse to disbelieve and just be immersed in what they're watching or it will suck.

Important distinction: suspension of disbelief is NOT losing the ability to recognize things as preposterous, unreasonable, or otherwise retarded. It is accepting more coincidence and unlikeliness than we experience in reality. It is saying, "Okay, so animals can talk and some wear funny clothes and when they die they reappear in the next scene"; not "Okay, that bus just ran over a big gap in the bridge, but instead of gravity taking effect, it just drove right on over." It's a fine line, and I'm sure it's different for different people.
Well so I watched the Transformers movie and here are my thoughts:

- the movie is basically a comedy
- like 80% of the movie has nothing to do with transformers, more about the main character and his lame life
- very predictable plot & characters
- surprisingly lived up to its 14a rating, not as child-friendly as I thought it would be
- terribly lame acting in most cases
- lame actor cameos
- lots of advertising and brand mentioning ie. GMC cars, nokia etc
- somewhat entertaining due to comical scenes
- lost points on using the uber-cheesy pesudo-dramatic Hollywood
orchestral/opera whatever music (the one that's used in hundreds of movies and previews, you know the one :Smug:

"push the cube into my chest! do it now!" :lol:

final score: 3/10

My uncle said it was awesome, but he is known to like shitty movies.

meanwhile, this movie wins

I just watched Dagon, which is a pretty damn awesome B movie.

Next up on the list for today is RAN, The Seventh Seal, and Masters of Horror: Pelts.