The Official Movie Thread

Off to see Batman on Monday with mates and looking forward to it. Also, reading For Whom The Bell Tolls reminds me of Pan's Labyrinth, just without the fantasy.
Last movies I watched.

Stephen King's The Mist with a girlfriend. alright

Jackass 2.5. disapointing as fuck and does not compare with the old stuff or CKY.

Aliens vs Predator - Requiem. wicked!

The Smokers with Dominique Swain,Busy Philipps, and Thora Birch which was good.

I've been completely unimpressed with the harry potter films ,thusfar.

I can't stand harry potter.
Just watched a movie last night with some friends, called Tape.

Really good flick. The whole thing takes place in a single hotel room, and there are only three actors. It's all based on dialogue. Really well done and well-acted.
i saw Gandhi the other night, it barely held my attention, I didnt really like but it was ok I guess. And last night I watched Prince of Darkness. This movie was really, really good. Its got Dr. Loomis from Halloween(as Father Loomis in this :lol:) and 2 of the azn guys from big trouble in little china so that automatically means its awesome :kickass:
I think so, I dont really know what movies apply. I think it might be, The Thing, Prince of Darkness and Into the Mouth of Madness for the 3.
I watched Beowulf last night and the first thing that struck me was that the people who made the film obviously have never been to Denmark,judging from the fact that in reality Denmark doesn´t have a single hill,let alone mountains.
With all the recent Dark Knight hype, I thought I'd watch Batman Begins while waiting for a DVDRip to show up on TPB. I've only seen part of it before, was gonna watch it a few years back but the damn DVD player decided to break halfway through and I never got to watching it again.

So, as for the movie... It's clichéd as fuck, but remains entertaining all the way through, and for a 2.3 hour movie that's rather impressive. What amazes me about action movies is their ability to be the least exciting during the climatic parts; all that special effect overkill and the ridiculously choreographed fighting is like the boring wankery of filmmaking.
Heh, this was actually brought up with someone else while discussing dark knight. All car chases, explosions, and fights, are boring as fuck in hollywood movies. It's almost like they're there out of necessity, and they all look exactly the same. Exploitation films and kung-fu films have much more memorable action scenes than hollywood.

Though I do admit some hollywood films, do have some pretty entertaining action scenes. I did enjoy a lot of the action in Wanted, although his previous film Day Watch was way more ridiculous and cool at the crazy action IMO.
I watched the dark knight at the cinemas this night,didn´t think it was so awesome everyone say it is. And i watched my Transporter movies again not so long ago,with the action scenes from them fresh in memory the batman action was kinda boring.