The Official Movie Thread

Just watched Frank Zappa's Baby Snakes today, though admittedly I ended up just fast forwarding to all of Bruce Bickford's mind bending stop motion, since thats the reason I rented it. I like zappa, but I wasn't in the mood for his offstage antics.
Shallow Hal somehow made it into my home. For some reason it was on my queue and I was away for awhile and now it's in my house, waiting for me. I feel unclean.

But I'm probably gonna watch it in a bit.
so does the 2nd starship troopers really suck as much as they say it does? I've been avoiding it, even though I really like the first one. But as long as they deliver the same bug vs. human gore from the first one, I'd think it would be at least somewhat entertaining in a bad movie sort of way. I've also heard good things about the 3rd one, though apparently there are some Christian undertones to the plot, which might kill it for me.
So I watched Shallow Hall at like 2Am yesterday. I was hoping fatigue would improve the movie.

It didn't.

The funny thing is that the movie is supposed to be about people being less shallow and not judging based on appearances etc but it's just one long fat joke.
A shitty fat joke, btw.
Just saw The Wizard of Gore today. The title doesn't lie, it was bloody as hell, especially considering when it was made. The plot starts getting a bit repetitive eventually, but the end is awesome.