The Official Movie Thread

I watched Jan Svankmajer's Lunacy the other night. It's poised as a meeting ground of Poe and de Sade...interesting stuff. Svankmajer is known for his pioneering work in stop animation which is only used in segues here; the focus more on the plot and characters makes for a stronger work.

I have yet to be disappointed by a Svankmajer film. Another great one.

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So...I've finally seen 28 Days Later today. And what a horrible excuse for a fucking Zombie movie...Dawn Of The Dead was a shitload better then this.

What's even more funny is that on the back of the case, it said "Most horrifying movie since the Exorcist". We all know that is bull.

Gah, 28 Days Later is way better, and it isn't a "zombie movie" to begin with - you obviously didn't understand the movie if you think it was. And every single movie will put some favourable quote on the DVD case whether it's true or not. The reason the movie was great was because it didn't succumb the typical Hollywood style writing/filming with all those jumpy, flashy, overused gimmicks - this movie actually had some emotion and character to it which worked quite well.
Saw the The Good, The Bad, The Weird at The Chicago International Film Festival recently. Fucking awesome movie, I definitely recommend it if you're looking for a really really good action flick.
The 13th Warrior was just on FX.

"Lo, there do I see my father.
Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.
Lo, there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning.
Lo, they do call to me. They bid me take my place among them.
In the halls of Valhalla,
Where the brave
May live...

Kickass speech.
I watched Eraser Head for the first time last night.

To be perfectly honest, I just didn't get it.

Normally I really like the obscure films.

This one was just uninteresting to me.

I think maybe this movie is better suited to watch while tripping.

Anyone have any input on this one?