The Official Movie Thread

for those of you who enjoy The Fly, I just watched a film I think you'd like: Altered States. William Hurt plays a doctor trying to unlock man's primal self through the use of hallucinogenic drugs.

It's like The Fly but instead of insects it's monkeys! And there's also some really great visuals given that it was filmed in 1980
Saw Burn After Reading (awesome), Towelhead (bad), and the latest Woddy Allen film which I've forgotten the name of (fucking terrible), while on holiday.
I heard it was good, but that was from my friend who loves Woody Allen.

I've never been much of a fan. We actually went to see a film called The Wackness but it wasn't showing, even though the listings said it was. We figured since we were there we may as well see something.

The opinions on Burn After Reading seem to be mixed. I didn't really like it and some people are with me, but there are a lot of people who like it.

I found it really amusing. I loved the absurdity of the plot. To me it's a perfect follow-up to No Country. Nothing too epic. It felt like a film the Coens could have done in their sleep.
yeah. complete total opposite of No Country, but it still had the trademarks of a Coen brothers movie with an actually depressing theme if you think about it haha
Mongol - I could have picked it apart a bit more but it really was a good film. Stunning cinematography and not too flamboyant.

Is this out on dvd yet?

Anyway, I'm psyched for Pride and Glory. It seems to me that Edward Norton is getting more and more mainstream, but I don't mind. He still brings so much passion and emotion to the screen.

Who here's goin' to go see DUB-YA? (i.e. Oliver Stone's new film W.)