The Official Movie Thread

I just watched Gran Torino. This is an incredibly amazing movie starring and he probably directs and does everything else, Clint Eastwood. I can't recommend it enough, his character is fucking hilarious and it's a good story and pretty heartfelt. When I get the Dark knight for XMas ill evaluate which of the 2 is the best movie this year
i've heard that 'slumdog millionaire' basically blows and that i shouldn't believe the hype. i hope to god the new eastwood flick is better than million dollar baby (trash) and mystic river (just ok), not exactly getting my hopes up for that either though.

personally i'm more interested in 'synecdoche new york' by far, sounds amazing, and 'the wrestler' is sounding pretty promising as well. also wanna see the new herzog, antarctica's been a fascination of mine ever since i first read 'at the mountains of madness' back in the day.
Anyone here seen the film 'Special'?
it's got that idiot from that painfully unfunny show 'The War At Home' in it, Michael Rappaport. So imagine how shocked I was when it turned out to be really rather good. Rappaport does a fantastic job imo, I just wasn't expecting it at all.
You can watch the whole thing here -
It's pretty short so seriously, give it a shot.
I watched Beowulf yesterday. Finally.

Neil Gaiman scripted this shit ? Has he never done Literature 101 ?

The fucking great big, Goth loving TURD
Funny thing, the first time i saw Beowulf i didn't get it was animated. Some damn good animation work in that movie, although i was drunk, tired and sat pretty far from the tv when i saw it. Angelina Jolie is freaking hot in that movie.
Yeah, but the English scholar in me fucking HATED the script changes. What, Gaiman, the story that has survived since the 8th FUCKING CENTURY needed some dumb revision ?

I saw Milk last night, it was pretty good. It wasn't mindblowing as far as the directing went (Gus Van Sant is hit-or-miss), but Sean Penn was quite good (as usual). If you don't mind watching a story about a homosexual politician including some very short "sex" scenes (no real nudity or explicit acts) and lots of gay men kissing other gay men and lots flirtation, it's worth your time. Homosexuality really has no impact on me at all and I don't hate them or judge them to be inferior so this was no problem for me but I just thought I'd warn anyone thinking about seeing it.

edit: oh and The Wrestler looks fantastic. I love Aronofsky.
i don't especially love aronofsky but i have a funny feeling this'll be my favourite of his works to date. i agree that 'pi' is his best so far.

i haven't seen any van sant films despite him being one of the foremost critical darlings these days, i have 'elephant' on dvd though.

'beowulf' was slightly better than i expected, i like its attempt to be more than just an adaptation of a myth, the way it speculates upon the dark secrets laying beneath the glorious legend. all the anti-christian subtext is fun too.
It would agree, except he totally sold out after Pi. Requiem For A Dream is a massive pile of over dramatic, commercialised crap.

What about The Fountain? I love the movie, personally, but I can definitely understand why so many others don't.

Speaking of The Wrestler, I was looking at it's release date on imdb and it looks like the release date for public theaters was on Dec. 17 (though it lists the release as "limited"), however I can't find any showings in my city. Is it currently running in other cities or am I misunderstanding the information on imdb?
'the fountain' is metaphysical marmite, i see it as a spectacular failure in that it's so close to being brilliant but aronofsky, as much as he might think otherwise, just isn't the new kubrick. it's a pretty engulfing experience and it has some potentially beautiful ideas about the intermingling of creation and destruction, life and art, the aesthetic necessity of endings etcetc, but it's just so inhumanly pompous man, i can't quite connect with something like that.
I haven't seen The Fountain, but I love Pi and absolutely loathe Requiem For A Dream. Pi was definitely ostentatious and sort of overkill at times, but something about the soundtrack, visuals, and everything else comes together make it totally awesome. Requiem, however, is a patronizing, pretentious piece of cock with the ideological depth of a fifth grader who caught AIDS in my opinion.
I saw the first of that trilogy. I was a bit turned off by the odd style of filming. I think I need to give it another try, because some of the effects were awesome. Was the second one good? It's based on a novel trilogy, right?

If you're going purely for effects, the second one is a huge step up from the first one. I feel like the atmosphere may have suffered a bit, but it's been a while since I saw them and I watched them back to back so they kind of bleed into each other in my memory sometimes.
'the fountain' is metaphysical marmite, i see it as a spectacular failure in that it's so close to being brilliant but aronofsky, as much as he might think otherwise, just isn't the new kubrick. it's a pretty engulfing experience and it has some potentially beautiful ideas about the intermingling of creation and destruction, life and art, the aesthetic necessity of endings etcetc, but it's just so inhumanly pompous man, i can't quite connect with something like that.

Is this Aronofsky, the same man, you made a thread about in The Philosopher earlier?