The Official Movie Thread

Yes Man was enjoyable albeit predictable.

If we want to talk classics, I will fellate the works of Humphrey Bogart and Errol Flynn in the silver screen era.
I went on a small Christopher Nolan binge today and watched Memento and Dark Knight. My first viewing of both, and I must say that Nolan has made quite a name for himself with his movies.

Memento was brilliant. The two different narratives are done exceptionally well, and Guy Pearce gives an excellent performance.

The Dark Knight was excellent (like I figured). I don't think I can say anything that hasn't already been said about this movie. Overrated though.
Yeah seeing it was actually a slight letdown thanks to rediculous buildup it got because of Heath Ledgers death. Still a great movie, but I think I like Batman Begins better as a whole though.
I went on a small Christopher Nolan binge today and watched Memento and Dark Knight. My first viewing of both, and I must say that Nolan has made quite a name for himself with his movies.

Memento was brilliant. The two different narratives are done exceptionally well, and Guy Pearce gives an excellent performance.

You should see "Following", Christopher Nolan's first film. MUCH better than "Memento", imo. The story is more interesting and the twists are way better. Very cool stuff.
If you have not seen Gomorra you should absolutely see it.
It's a film about the Italian mob, but it feels to me like it's about humanity, really.
But it's shot amazingly well.
It's the most important film to come out of italy in the last 30 years.

And "Let the right one in" is the best vampire movie ever.
You must see it. You must cherish it. You must pet it like a cat.

As you can see, I am a well-rounded individual with a broad palette of film that brings me cinematic enjoyment. I don't let genre and labels influence my filmscoping ability.

I must also take this unique opportunity to plug my film

Graphic Sexual Horror.

Here's the trailer:
You should see "Following", Christopher Nolan's first film. MUCH better than "Memento", imo. The story is more interesting and the twists are way better. Very cool stuff.

I'll look into it something. My Netflix queue is fairly large right now and I have about 10 instant movies I have to watch before the new year.
I watched Wanted the other night, I had to turn it off halfway through. Horrible, horrible film.

I think with films by Timur Bekmambetov, you really have to be watching for the visual effects and nothing else. Though his two Russian Films Night Watch and Day Watch are much more visually impressive to me than Wanted, and the plot isn't nearly as annoying (though it's nothing great either). Still I did enjoy some aspects of Wanted having gone in expecting a lot of the typical hollywood bullshit.

I've been getting into Johnny To recently, and I just watch PTU. Don't go in expecting a bullet ballet like Hard Boiled and you'll love it. Really fantastic visual storytelling, and a killer atmosphere.
I think with films by Timur Bekmambetov, you really have to be watching for the visual effects and nothing else. Though his two Russian Films Night Watch and Day Watch are much more visually impressive to me than Wanted, and the plot isn't nearly as annoying (though it's nothing great either).

I saw the first of that trilogy. I was a bit turned off by the odd style of filming. I think I need to give it another try, because some of the effects were awesome. Was the second one good? It's based on a novel trilogy, right?