The Official Movie Thread

review of GotF now up at

just saw haneke's 'caché', another really good pic although its sad hollowness only really hits when the credits roll, like antonioni but colder somehow. it's about a family terrorised by the anonymous sending of videotapes spying on their lives, and these tapes interchangeable with the icy camerawork are clear windows into the veiled recesses of the husband's consciousness. a clinical documentation of the way slippery slopes of skeletons can manifest both personally and (it hints) nationally, with moral pressures building whole identities out of evasion. it's also a complex statement about the voyeurism of cinema, the horror and vitality both illustrated with unnerving clarity. reminds me of that warning lyric, sometimes the building of bridges only makes the distance more noticable. nearly great.
i reviewed 'wanted' here, not very well but it gets the point across.

Good review on Wanted. I am no critic, except in how I personally like a film, and how it affects me. I was mostly entertained, but I felt that they really fell short of the film's potential for greatness (or maybe just pretty goodness), and even just for mindless entertainment. It's really a bummer when a (director, producer, whatever) has a story with some potential, but then executes it poorly. Now that story is gone as a potential good film of the future.

That last line was pathetic and leaves a bad taste in the mind.

I just saw The Killing Gene. I enjoyed it. It wasn't the best film, but I like that it dealt fairly well with an interesting premise.

I just got Paperhouse on VHS. I was looking through and came across reference to it in another movie description (maybe Candyman). But it's not on DVD, so I placed one bid and won it.
The Strangers was shit

I saw Haneke's "Cache" a few years ago and enjoyed it. It reminded me a lot of the first part of "Lost Highway". I don't remember too much about it, but I know I liked the feel of the film. I think "hollow" is a really good way to describe it.
Last movies I watched were

Gran Torino
Stay Alive
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (which I will have to rewatch since I was dozing off a bunch of times during it)
Saw Valkyrie the other night. Sure the whole time you are like "It's Tom Cruise" but thats no different than any other big actor. Except I always see Brad Pitt as Tyler Durden lol.

I liked Valkyrie except for the [historically] bummer ending.
Cloverfield was fucking awful. couldn't stand it. for instance that girl was alive for hours with a fucking pole stuck through her and she managed to somehow live on quite easily
Cloverfield was fucking awful. couldn't stand it. for instance that girl was alive for hours with a fucking pole stuck through her and she managed to somehow live on quite easily

people who get impaled or crucified can live on for days in that state.
Tom, you fail for thinking Blair Witch > Cloverfield. Also I think you might be bad at suspending disbelief if you pick on the plot device of the girl surviving a pole through her chest when there's a gigantic monster on the loose.