The Official Movie Thread

Funny, I was just going to mention that I really did not think Up was real good. The emotional core was solid, but the attempts to build action sequences around it failed terribly. I didn't think it was necessary to put the character's lives in jeopardy in acts two and three. The old dude trying to kill the other old dude, really? I got bored as soon as the film took a dark turn. Good at best, only because I was a sucker for the original love story. The rest was meh.
I really wanted to like Martyrs, but it just fell flat on its face every time it presented an interesting idea.
It happens right after he drops her off at her cuts to him driving on the main strip, suddenly a piercing noise appears and De Niro quickly glances his rear-view mirror and sees something of intense interest and then the credits roll

EDIT: Apparently this is the reason according to Scorcese himself

IMHO I think it's his next fix.
I started to lose interest during the repeated beatings, which is why the third act was where I decided it was a disappointment. It was too much like watching clockwork (dude comes down to punch her in the face for a while, chick comes down to feed her slop, repeat ad nauseum) for it to be shocking or scary. It's no wonder she achieved blank-faced "transcendence" -- that shit was mind-numbing.

The only appeal Martyrs held for me was the feeling I got from it in the beginning, where it paints this picture of a secret society of wealthy sadists, Hostel-style, and turns that on its head by introducing it as a revenge flick for one of the past victims. And here she comes, blowing everybody to fuck with a shotgun -- even the kids, oblivious to their parents' crimes. This shit is serious, right? It took a turn for the worse when the "creature" started showing up and haunting her in a cheesy, hamfisted attempt at confusing the audience into thinking maybe she's just crazy, maybe there actually is no secret torture chamber in their basement -- all this did was undermine the film's setup. So then she dies, and her friend finds out that the secret chamber really is there, undermining it yet again... and of course, she's stupid enough to go down and take a look.

And then yeah. Sorry, like I said, I wanted to like it.
I'm being nostalgic and watching The Lion King, what strikes me is that it really has a great soundtrack for a kids movie, in that cheesy kind of way.
I started to lose interest during the repeated beatings, which is why the third act was where I decided it was a disappointment. It was too much like watching clockwork (dude comes down to punch her in the face for a while, chick comes down to feed her slop, repeat ad nauseum) for it to be shocking or scary. It's no wonder she achieved blank-faced "transcendence" -- that shit was mind-numbing.

The only appeal Martyrs held for me was the feeling I got from it in the beginning, where it paints this picture of a secret society of wealthy sadists, Hostel-style, and turns that on its head by introducing it as a revenge flick for one of the past victims. And here she comes, blowing everybody to fuck with a shotgun -- even the kids, oblivious to their parents' crimes. This shit is serious, right? It took a turn for the worse when the "creature" started showing up and haunting her in a cheesy, hamfisted attempt at confusing the audience into thinking maybe she's just crazy, maybe there actually is no secret torture chamber in their basement -- all this did was undermine the film's setup. So then she dies, and her friend finds out that the secret chamber really is there, undermining it yet again... and of course, she's stupid enough to go down and take a look.

And then yeah. Sorry, like I said, I wanted to like it.


Of course it was a systematic process, the lady said it would be. They have the process down to get to the, I don't know, euphoric state? It wasn't scary or supposed to be, it was just her being taken down to nothing, is that scary to you? What presented the idea of a horror film? I thought it was a great thriller, and maybe a bit of horror but not overall. The worst part about the film was I first thought it would be Hostel and then thankfully turned out to be a different film all in itself. You know why she shot the kids? The creature wasn't a creature, did you watch the movie? It was the girl being tortured down there with her and she didn't save her, she just left. She was being haunted from her psychologically and was trying to appeal her by 'avenging' her death/torture whatever you may want to call it. That was cheesy to you? I watch a lot of terribly funded 80s and 70s horror and found nothing cheesy. And her friend the whole time wasn't sure if she was crazy or not, so of course this undermined the fucking movie. The tortured girl thought the girl was really haunting her while her friend wasn't sure if it was self afflicted or not, and then she didn't even get caught in the chamber, the owners or business management whatever came into the house and just took her ass down there.

I don't think you watched the movie, it was the best new movie ive seen probably in the last 10 years.
Why do you think I put "creature" in quotes?

Of course I fucking watched the movie, sorry you can't deal with me seeing it differently.
Caught a double feature of Easy Rider / Dr Strangelove last night. I've already seen Dr Strangelove several times (best satire ever). "Gentleman , you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"

Easy Rider really spoke to me too, and I especially loved Jack Nicholson's campfire speech about freedom. And of course Peter Fonda's immortal line: "Did you ever want to be somebody else? I never wanted to be somebody else".
Saw two movies about school violence tonight.

First I saw Klass. Relentlessly bleak and extremely powerful, I loved this movie.

The second one I saw was Bang Bang You're Dead, which was fucking silly. I'd go on about it but it's 5 AM and I'm about to sleep.
Has anyone here seen the post-9/11 film Right At Your Door?


I realize that it's perpetuating the fear stereotype that permeates our society today, but I love a good communal terror/thriller film.