The Official Movie Thread

Just saw Falkenberg Farewell. Strangely, the soundtrack and general pace reminded me of The Assassination Of Jesse James. I was kinda depressed by it, but in a sweet melancholic way. There's almost something angelic about the ending.
Saw Shutter Island last night and enjoyed it quite a bit, though I definitely need to watch it again.

The whole nazi concentration camp/shutter island metaphor is also pretty well laid out, and the overall amount of layers through the movie is pretty cool.

Does anyone else think it's possible that Teddy/Andrew could/was sane?
that's basically what I think is the point


that he came to the conclusion that was insane, realized it, but realized he didn't want to continue living in that world, so he fakes being insane in the last scene so they'll lobotimize him hence his closing lines
Yeah exactly, he would much rather die a good man than live like one of the ghost/monsters which they were trying to create. And he would also finally get to go into the other lighthouse.
that's basically what I think is the point


that he came to the conclusion that was insane, realized it, but realized he didn't want to continue living in that world, so he fakes being insane in the last scene so they'll lobotimize him hence his closing lines

I hated the end of that movie. What really would have sold it for me would have been a bit more ambiguity. I would have loved one line (and one line is all it would have taken) that perhaps insinuated that Teddy actually was sane all along, and the establishment convinced him that he was insane. In my opinion that would have made a much better film.
I hated the end of that movie. What really would have sold it for me would have been a bit more ambiguity. I would have loved one line (and one line is all it would have taken) that perhaps insinuated that Teddy actually was sane all along, and the establishment convinced him that he was insane. In my opinion that would have made a much better film.

I didn't like the ending at all (even more so since I predicted it by just watching the damn trailer). That being said, I found it fitting that if he was insane he wouldn't want to live.