The Official Movie Thread

Leone is the only man who stands out in my mind as a great director, all of his movies are great. I was so pumped when I turned on the TV for the first time in weeks and For a Few Dollars More was on.

I would probably agree if a man by the name of Tarkovsky never existed. And we can't forget the great Hitchcock. Also I think Malick and Coppola are both pretty consistently good directors.
This guy is a seriously overrated director, along with Kubrick and Tarantino.

Leone is totally great, though.

Kubrick is most definitely not overrated. I could also make a case for Scorsese, but in some ways I agree that he is overrated. His best works though (Taxi Driver, Raging Bull and Goodfellas) are 'rated' pretty accurately to my eyes.

Tarantino, on the other hand, is a one trick pony and is quite overrated.
I caught some of Thank You For Smoking earlier and it was really good and need to catch the entire thing.
Some movies I've watched lately:

The Inland Empire ...definitely enjoyed watching it. I'm a fan of Lynch's work.
Night my surprise, a decent vampire film.
I Kina Spiser de Hunde ...entertaining and fairly good but could have been better.
Lilja 4-Ever ...was a very good film :) alltime favourite of mine, had to watch it again. :kickass: