The Official Movie Thread

Some movies I've watched lately:

The Inland Empire ...definitely enjoyed watching it. I'm a fan of Lynch's work.
Night my surprise, a decent vampire film.
I Kina Spiser de Hunde ...entertaining and fairly good but could have been better.
Lilja 4-Ever ...was a very good film :) alltime favourite of mine, had to watch it again. :kickass:

You are cooler then I thought. Lynch fucking rules.
I saw The Brave One last night... and in all honesty, it made me want to buy a gun afterwards and go hunting for feral pieces of human shit.

Really good movie though!
Seraphim might appreciate this, A couple of weeks ago I downloaded a movie called Talvisota (The Winter War in Finnish). It's a three hour movie from the perspective of the Finns during the Winter War, made in 1989. For those that don't know, the Winter War was a war between Finland and Russia starting around 1939 I think.

Anyway, funny story, I'm both Russian and Finnish, so my grandparents probably hate eachother.
I saw a documentary about that once. The Finns kicked some serious ass but they just didn't have the numbers or resources to win. I thought it was cool how the Russians tried to invade across the ice and the Finns fired on it and broke the ice or how a handful of ski troops defeated a much larger Russian army.
I saw a documentary about that once. The Finns kicked some serious ass but they just didn't have the numbers or resources to win. I thought it was cool how the Russians tried to invade across the ice and the Finns fired on it and broke the ice or how a handful of ski troops defeated a much larger Russian army.

Yeah, during the beginning of that war, the Russians were just terribly organized and had terrible leadership. They got their asses in gear though, and eventually the war ended and Finland had to cede some land.
It's pretty easy to get your ass in gear when you millions of reinforcements. I'm sure that war made Hitler all the more anxious to attack the Soviets, seeing how the tiny country of Finland put up such a good fight.
Seraphim might appreciate this, A couple of weeks ago I downloaded a movie called Talvisota (The Winter War in Finnish). It's a three hour movie from the perspective of the Finns during the Winter War, made in 1989. For those that don't know, the Winter War was a war between Finland and Russia starting around 1939 I think.

Anyway, funny story, I'm both Russian and Finnish, so my grandparents probably hate eachother.

I do indeed appreciate this!