The Official Movie Thread

Watching The Shining again. Fuckin' Nicholson is so great. The way he feeds off his emotions is hilarious and terrifying. Him and De Niro are just fantastic, the russian roulette scene in The Deer Hunter is just too good, that stare in Goodfellas lol god damn the list goes on
Finally saw Tank Girl. Really fun, goofy movie, I have friends super into it and the comic and I can see why. That chick is a really awesome main character, a type I haven't seen represented in movies well before.
watched Enemy and Eyes Wide Shut the other night

Enemy was a film I had been wanting to see for a while. I thought Jake Gyllenhaal was fantastic in it. The color palette, soundtrack and photography helped provide this overwhelming sense of dread for the film. Having never read the source material, I can't comment on how true it is to the novel, but I thought it was fantastic. By the end I thought it was pretty clear what happens (especially when you consider what the mom, played by Isabella Rossellini said to Gyllenhaal).

Eyes Wide Shut was interesting and different than I anticipated. All I knew was it's Kubrick's weird orgy film. That being said, the "orgy" is only one scene, and overall, there isn't really anything sexy about the film to me (except maybe Nicole Kidman being in her prime). It was an interesting exploration of human relationships though and definitions of power and intimacy. It ended up being a lot more interesting and complex than I anticipated, which I should've guessed since it is Kubrick.
Has anyone else seen It Follows? Really solid horror movie with a really cool concept.

fairly novel twist on the dumb teen horror genre. pretty enjoyable and i liked the 80's synth soundtrack
Enemy was a film I had been wanting to see for a while. I thought Jake Gyllenhaal was fantastic in it. The color palette, soundtrack and photography helped provide this overwhelming sense of dread for the film. Having never read the source material, I can't comment on how true it is to the novel, but I thought it was fantastic. By the end I thought it was pretty clear what happens (especially when you consider what the mom, played by Isabella Rossellini said to Gyllenhaal).

I haven't read The Double either but I thought the film was great. I'd have liked it even if the plot and acting were crap just for the look and tone.

This was really amazing. One of the best films I've ever seen. Brilliant film making, brilliant story, just the right amount of tension, story and action. Wipes the floor with most modern films. Funny how it didn't do very well and few seem to have heard of it. Really, really good. It isn't about a "Sorcerer" btw, just so you know. That isn't really a spoiler.


To Live and Die in LA

This is really rather good, but it kind of makes me feel sick of the 80s, despite not existing whatsoever during that decade. The amorality and everything gets a bit stuck in the back of your throat and it reminds you of it being in pretty much all the other similar 80s films. Anyway, very well made action thriller. Better than most by far.


18th century cameroon? YOUR TASTE IS IN YOUR ASS!
watched Enemy and Eyes Wide Shut the other night

Enemy was a film I had been wanting to see for a while. I thought Jake Gyllenhaal was fantastic in it. The color palette, soundtrack and photography helped provide this overwhelming sense of dread for the film. Having never read the source material, I can't comment on how true it is to the novel, but I thought it was fantastic. By the end I thought it was pretty clear what happens (especially when you consider what the mom, played by Isabella Rossellini said to Gyllenhaal).

the only villeneuve film i like. *pimps review*

Eyes Wide Shut was interesting and different than I anticipated. All I knew was it's Kubrick's weird orgy film. That being said, the "orgy" is only one scene, and overall, there isn't really anything sexy about the film to me (except maybe Nicole Kidman being in her prime). It was an interesting exploration of human relationships though and definitions of power and intimacy. It ended up being a lot more interesting and complex than I anticipated, which I should've guessed since it is Kubrick.

i wouldn't argue that it's his most ambitious, significant, flawless etc, but that's my favourite kubrick i think, watched it a zillion times. legend has it that the film broke up cruise and kidman's marriage (they deny this i'm sure), and at the very least kubrick cast them with the intention of tapping into their IRL marital anxieties.
I'm sure he did. I've heard countless stories of Kubrick fucking with his actors/actresses to get reactions out of them. Shelley Duval in The Shining was supposedly tormented by Kubrick. But yeah I thought the film was great
Speaking of people who fuck with people... Man on the Moon was a fantastic movie I need to rewatch. I don't know shit about Kaufman but I love Jim Carrey and as usual he played a fantastic, memorable character. Wonder how much truth there was to that.
Just watched Three Colors: Blue by Kieślowski. I'm not going to review it here but I'm glad I saw it.
can anyone recommend me good post-'70s action movies in the vein of john mctiernan, john woo, walter hill, michael mann, johnnie to, john carpenter, william friedkin and the like? nothing too arty, and not necessarily on the level of those guys, but i'm craving some satisfying/memorable pulp.
can anyone recommend me good post-'70s action movies in the vein of john mctiernan, john woo, walter hill, michael mann, johnnie to, john carpenter, william friedkin and the like? nothing too arty, and not necessarily on the level of those guys, but i'm craving some satisfying/memorable pulp.

Body Heat is good.