The Official Movie Thread

saw It Follows the other night. cool soundtrack and a nicely shot film but i didn't find it creepy/disturbing. i liked that the kids actually looked like high schoolers and first year college students.

any Lucio Fulci fans should note that The Beyond is now out on blu-ray as well as a nicely priced collection that includes City of the Living Dead, The House By the Cemetery, and The New York Ripper.
Just watched Interstellar. I really fucking loved it. It reminded me on 2001, especially with those boss as fuck robots with hubris settings. I kinda felt that the science of the film was cheated with all the talk of love and shit, but damn was it effective. Not necessarily the best sci-fi film, but a wonderful film about love regardless. It had that typical Nolan fair that just rubs me the wrong way and his reliance on having that single moment that makes people go "da fuck?" ala Shamalyan but with far more class and subtlety. Not that the film was all that subtle. The climate change shit was kinda forced. The film would have been just fine without the political agenda...
I was super underwhelmed by Interstellar. As I've described it elsewhere, "a horribly beautiful, stupid mess."

I've been catching up on a lot of old essentials lately. Kiarostami, lesser known Godard, more obscure Fassbinder, etc. In light of the South Carolina police murder, watch Do the Right Thing if you haven't. I happened to re-watch it the day before that story surfaced, and it's still prescient.
2010: The Year We Make Contact

is actually pretty damn good, a lot better than the average for 80s sci fi anyway.
I've been catching up on a lot of old essentials lately. Kiarostami, lesser known Godard, more obscure Fassbinder, etc. In light of the South Carolina police murder, watch Do the Right Thing if you haven't. I happened to re-watch it the day before that story surfaced, and it's still prescient.

rate on criticker or it didnt happen
Haha. Ever since I started using Letterboxd, I haven't been rating things on Criticker. I found that the quality of reviews on Letterboxd is exponentially better given all of the professional critics that use it. It's hard enough to stay motivated to update even that more than once a week or so. Utilizing two rating sites on a consistent basis would just be chaos.

Regarding Kiarostami, I hate myself for never checking his stuff out sooner. I think I wrote a little thing claiming that Taste of Cherry could be seen as an adaptation of Division 1, Part 2 of Being and Time, so basically I should be shot as soon as possible.
i agree about the review standard being way higher on letterboxd, but there are at least a few fantastic reviewers on criticker, and it's obvs superior as a recommendation engine.

TASTE OF CHERRY isn't even one of my favourite kiarostamis haha. that's not to say it isn't great, he just has a beastly (not to mention diverse) body of work.
Yeah, I really should update Criticker with numerical ratings if not only for the sake of the recommendation engine. I'm thinking about purging all of my ratings yet again and doing something like the 8-point system you use.

I fully expected Certified Copy to remain my favorite Kiarostami, but there's something so transcendent about the third act of Taste of Cherry that I've only experienced a handful of times in my movie-watching career. Ya know, authenticity, being-toward-death, demise, all that fluffy Heidegger shit brought to life on screen in the most organic way possible. I know you're really fond of Like Someone in Love, which I really liked, but it underwhelmed me quite a bit. I'm curious to hear your specific thoughts on it.

Edit: Who are some of the people you follow on Criticker? Off the top of my head, the only kumpels I follow are you, DJRoss, JakeAesthete, Moribunny (who irritates me often with his dismissive tendencies but is a treasure trove for obscure foreign flicks), and a couple of others I can't think of.
I watched Interstellar with the family last weekend. I really enjoyed myself and the film. The science was cool if nothing that groundbreaking, but it had that typical Nolan flair that just urks me. It's like a sort of Shamalyan twist but with, obviously, more class, but why the fuck does every single Nolan film have it? I think I agree mostly with Chaw's review of the film. It really did work best as a love story to the mere concept of love. It got a bit cheesy at one moment though.

3/4 Schmidty Stars

Oh, and I also watched The Sorcercer's Apprentice with the Cage on TV like a week ago. Now, ladies and gentlemen, that is a mind-boggling film. A true classic in every regard.

4/4 Schmidty Stars
Actually, 0/4 Schmidty Stars
But seriously...4/4
I fully expected Certified Copy to remain my favorite Kiarostami, but there's something so transcendent about the third act of Taste of Cherry that I've only experienced a handful of times in my movie-watching career. Ya know, authenticity, being-toward-death, demise, all that fluffy Heidegger shit brought to life on screen in the most organic way possible. I know you're really fond of Like Someone in Love, which I really liked, but it underwhelmed me quite a bit. I'm curious to hear your specific thoughts on it.

i wrote about it briefly here, it's pretty non-specific but i'm too tired to add to it right now. i think it's a great loose continuation of the themes of CERTIFIED COPY, and it being less immediately gratifying may be part of the point. it seems to me an intentionally bleaker, more claustrophobic film. i haven't seen TASTE OF CHERRY in like ten years so i should probably revisit tbf. i highly recommend THE WIND WILL CARRY US. CLOSE-UP is widely considered his masterpiece by trustworthy folks and i've never seen that one!

Who are some of the people you follow on Criticker? Off the top of my head, the only kumpels I follow are you, DJRoss, JakeAesthete, Moribunny (who irritates me often with his dismissive tendencies but is a treasure trove for obscure foreign flicks), and a couple of others I can't think of.

i don't really like moribunny haha. djross is aight, jake is great, one of my favourites, but very leftfield.

i did a post about this on criticker way back so i'll paste/flesh it out. warning: there's tons.

undinum: probably my fav kump. doesn't write enough, but when he does he's arguably the best on the site. impeccable taste and knowledge, consistently top 5 tci.

theficionado: probs the person i agree with more than anybody else, especially on populist stuff. big walter chaw fan and it shows, but he's an excellent writer in his own right. very smart dude.

frg: my top TCI (it would be you but you're not in my minimum % of films seen lol). doesn't write, just has ace taste.

elixir: a proper cinephile's cinephile, doesn't write on criticker but writes lots here.

sidehacker: pretty good for foreign stuff, does capsules on criticker but also has a blog here and is jake savage on letterboxd.

Matt Burgess: specialist in trash cinema which might be more my bag than yours idk, but superlative taste anyways. has directed some interesting stuff on youtube too.

paulofilmo: we don't always see eye to eye but he's one of the more insightful and unpredictable voices on here, nice dude too.

karamazov: ditto. he's kirilov333 on rym.

The Way - mostly for the lols, but he offers unique perspectives i guess. i've had run ins with him on rateyourmusic but he always deletes his accounts. he's an ubermensch or something.

cloak: another bright/knowledgable dude who writes a bit but not enough.

kubricksucks: was ockham on here back in the day. aelsdioauio on RYM. a drug addict who i talk to way too much on the internet.

Vesupria: another long time buddy who you've probs come across on RYM or w/e. pretentious aussie, used to be thamuz on here and various other boards.

pompousass: one of the better writers, writes a lot. warning: may be a pompous ass.

SlantMag: capsules from one of the best online movie mags around. as far as pro critics go there's also Mike D'Angelo, chaw, wokelstein (alex jackson from filmfreakcentral). i have a feeling there's an armond white account as well but i can't remember now. there was a time when criticker was linked to metacritic and showed all the metacritic reviews so maybe i'm thinking of back then.

Mr. Mxyzptlk: stuart collier on letterboxd, terrific taste/writer but seems to have fucked his ratings now so maybe not worth adding anymore :(

roujin: roujin on letterboxd, ninjavvself on RYM. he writes more at those places but still worth adding.

Magmadiver: kishinev on RYM. writes here for example. doesn't rate enough stuff he dislikes so his tiers are kinda skewed, very interesting taste and great knowledge though.

schnofel: my own personal moribunny i guess. hardly ever see eye to eye with him and he's a bit of a dick but he's admirably individual and has rated a shitload.

winds: i kinda stole his system.

theWizard: token 'vulgar auteurist' kump

annnnnd some other kumps with over 1000 ratings: Groooan, paah, Blevo, WBadger, m4th3u5, jethro, benrag, johnatanjj, Valenzetti (writes), fakesenator, lucbapt, LetsGoEatHuh, Seethruskin, ze_qualquer, negative, NilbogSavant, irrelephant, burmashave, B-Side, coutinho, gaucho, hehejaja (writes), biblioklept, catfacer, alive75, lumpnboy (writes), coltrane, Bandy, bernardobrum, Lobo_Lopez, I.L., hremanruss, Filipe, ari, Theodora, boxgod, mark83, Edson Abas (green_man), Seftref, Meowfresh, maborosi, onetwothree, Jos, jewellrunner, Octave (writes), AlleyLights2, Kerc (writes), JerryJ, felipelahm (writes), jsommersby8 (used to be a commenter on the FFC blog, token bad action movie guy), GrimsChild, ailm, LEAVES

Cheers. I absolutely plan on re-visiting LSiL at some point in time, probably as a "Kiarostami re-visited" deal some weekend. You're absolutely spot-on with the remark about it depicting cinema as "a hall of mirrors that needs to be shattered," which seems to be true of every one of his films I've seen, particularly Close-Up (which is definitely not his best but motherfucking see that shit ASAP). I "watched" The Wind Will Carry Us about a month ago but it was around 5 in the morning, and I was hammered. That happens much more often than I'd like to admit. Properly seeing it is a top priority.

I kumpel'd a good deal of the people you mentioned. Elixir and undinum, in particular, look like the type of people I'll go to first when seeking out new movies or attempting to clarify my own thoughts.

Mike D'Angelo is the shit, and partially responsible for me becoming a much harsher grader, ala "yeah I really, really liked it, 2.5 stars," same thing with Slant. I forgot that The_Way was on Criticker. Didn't he, Vespuria, and that Soulfly dude constitute some ANUS-esque faction on RYM only to commit mutual account suicide?

I had no idea kubricksucks was aelsdioauio on RYM. That's funny, and makes total sense, as does his drug addiction.

One of these days I'll purge my Criticker ratings and start over with a new 10 or 8 point system and basically rate things on Letterboxd and Criticker at the same time. The recommendation system alone is just too helpful to go unused.
Mike D'Angelo is the shit, and partially responsible for me becoming a much harsher grader, ala "yeah I really, really liked it, 2.5 stars," same thing with Slant.

mike is the most individual critic i've ever come across i think. our tastes are pretty far apart and i think he's demonstrably wrong from time to time, but he's very consistent and logical and immune to hype or bullshit, i respect that. i think slant is a little more poseury and contrarian, in some cases anyway, but also one of the few magazines that really wrestles with movies and offers fresh and intelligent interpretations rather than towing the line.

I forgot that The_Way was on Criticker. Didn't he, Vespuria, and that Soulfly dude constitute some ANUS-esque faction on RYM only to commit mutual account suicide?

vesupria used to troll them mostly, while secretly wanting in i reckon. he's a sound guy lol, he's got a lot more laid back these days kinda like me. but yeah, there was some kind of anus faction involving a few of them. the rite of passage was ranking that enemite or w/e thing 5 stars.