The Official Movie Thread

Watched Under The Skin again last night and liked it even more. The soundtrack is just perfectly creepy. The way the movie flows and makes me feel so uncomfortably anxious yet hypnotized. And I think the ending is beautiful. This might be a SPOILER but I love the interpretation of her being the alien that is nature; the brutality and indifference. Then becoming slowly self aware and maybe empathetic only to be devoured by nature

I think it's seriously becoming my fav movie in a while
Joë Caligula (José Bénazéraf, 1966) - A gangster film like no other. Originally banned in France the night before its intended premier on account of "violence". This was of course, bullshit, the motivation was purely political. Bénazéraf had long been a thorn in the side of the French censors who were just looking for a reason to fuck him over and with this film he gave them one.

Its an incredibly strange film. Low on dialogue and high on eccentricities, the characters don't behave like normal human beings and its stream of consciousness narrative (or lack thereof depending on who you ask) has the potential to be very alienating. However if you're like me and get sucked into it, you just might find yourself getting the feels once its over which is quite the achievement considering its central character is a sadist in love with his sister (hence the "Caligula" in the title.

Its not official out on DVD in the States so if you're a psychical media stickler like myself you'll have to go bootleg but if you do the streaming thing, Amazon Instant Video are streaming it. Never mind the moronic reviews on there. This is a special film. True, you may hate it, but there's noting else that even remotely resembling it.

*Edit* And the soundtrack is amazing. Very Chet Baker-esque, which is fitting because Baker scored several of Bénazéraf's previous features.
Watched Transcendence over the weekend. Good movie, but I'd have liked to see it go on longer with more detail on the tech and a little more trouble in taking him down. Great build up, but the finale fell completely flat.
I saw Mr. Holmes a couple weeks back and just learned something new about it a couple days ago.

In the movie, Holmes goes to see a Sherlock Holmes movie. The guy playing Sherlock in that particular film is actor Nicholas Rowe. He played the lead role in "Young Sherlock Holmes" back in the '80s.
Mannaja: A Man Called Blade (Sergio Martino, 1977) - Supremely badass spaghetti western from a master Italian genre specialist. This was actually one of the very last westerns from the Italian cycle. A bit of an oddity this one. There's a strange, almost esoteric bend to the film making it fitting marathon viewing with films like Jodo's El Topo and Fulci's Four of the Apocalypse. It also has one of the most bizarre theme songs for a western I've ever heard. If you're a fan of westerns, especially those that play around with the conventions of the genre and haven't seen this, do yourself a favor and fix that.
How is Fulci's western?
I think Four of the Apocalypse is one of his best films. Its incredibly bleak, very much a "dark journey of the soul" type of film. It certainly doesn't glamorize the west. It makes sense that Fulci directed it, believe it or not it fits in quite nicely with the best of his horror films even though its not a horror film. Not in the "traditional" sense at least.
Acquiring some movies for my travel back to Iowa on various forms of transportation starting tomorrow:

Fellini - Satyricon
Herzog - Fitzcarraldo
Herzog - Nosferatu
David Lynch - The Elephant Man
David Lynch - Inland Empire

And maybe a couple more.
Aguirre is cooler for Herzog, I have Fitzcarraldo but fell asleep through it about an hour in. I recommend something different for Lynch if you aren't familiar with him yet..Lost Highway/Blue Velvet/Mulholland Dr.

Fellini..8 1/2, insane.
I saw Interstellar and Murmur of the Heart. Both good, latter deeply perverse. Blue is the Warmest Color was also pretty good, quite watchable as a drama, but kind of stuck in a bad place between porn and serious film.
Aguirre is cooler for Herzog, I have Fitzcarraldo but fell asleep through it about an hour in. I recommend something different for Lynch if you aren't familiar with him yet..Lost Highway/Blue Velvet/Mulholland Dr.

Fellini..8 1/2, insane.

I saw Aguirre the other day and loved it. And I've already seen Eraserhead and loved it, and Elephant Man came right after it so I think I can handle it. But I'll certainly move on to those you recommended afterward.