The Official Movie Thread

Oh yeh sure. Alien is by far the more scary of the two (Although when I first saw the Queen chasing Ripley and Newt to the dropship, I did almost shit myself, I was about 10 though). Espicially when one see's it for the first time. But I prefer the constant action of Aliens, and you prefer the suspense and atmosphere like you said. Just a choice of perference really. I do love both films though.
aliens is a good film for sure, but the single alien in the first movie is so much more menacing than the billions in the second film. alien is based on creating masses of suspense and atmosphere, aliens is based on cool ass action, i completely prefer the former.

You make an excellent point. Alien is certainly a better film in terms of quality, but if I had to choose between watching either or the two, I'd choose Aliens. It's just more enjoyable for me.

The third movie... not good. The fourth? Well, I don't recognize it's existence.
I've wanted to see this for a while, big on symbolism right? I just hope it doesn't go overboard and lose the message.
Yes. The symbolism wasn't too overpowering but that could've been me just missing things. Lot's of religious symbolism including it being in two parts, the main character being a savior of sorts and then ending with a self immolation
He also directed Network, a top 10 film for me if not top 5, Dog Day Afternoon starring Al Pacino which is ridiculously entertaining, and 12 Angry Men - a classic of course. The Hill is supposed to be excellent too although I've not seen it.
recently saw:

kung fu zombie- well, its no versus, but i was amused. good fight scenes, and cheesy acting.

the crawling eye- meh, there wasnt much to it. crawling eyes kill people, they drop bombs on it, mankind wins.

Next in line, colossal flying hotdogs infected with radiation get a lust for destruction and rain highly corrosive acidic mustard that melts people and buildings.
sounds like an attack of the killer tomatos part 2! the killer hotdogs turn the killer tomatos into killer ketchup!
Hmm, never watched that one, but the name is familiar.
There is also a similarily-themed episode in Caroon Network's Courage the Cowardly Dog show. About monstrous vegetable hybrids. I think the tomatoes in that episode were crossbred with wasps or something.