The Official Movie Thread

Yeah, 1990 version remake. George A. Romero originally did the movie in 1968 in black and white and then redid the movie years later. I prefere the 90's version. Out of zombie flicks I have watched it is my favorite. There's a low budget zombie movie from 89 called The Dead Next Door that I recommend if you have never seen it.

Thought so. I can't fucking stand the coloured version, absolutely takes away from everything that made that film work so well.

The Dead Next Door? I'll check it out man.
Just about to watch Godzilla vs. Hedorah, tried to watch it today but some arseholes came over and distracted me. Hedorah is top 5 kaiju for me.
Hellraiser II was good in some ways, although I didn't like some of the special effects design.
I really like Hellraiser II. It does what any proper sequel should do. It expands upon the mythology while respecting the original. Barker being a producer probably had a lot to do with that. I wonder how the film would have turned out had he directed? There are some amazing gore set pieces. The bit with the mattress in particular is jaw dropping. The final third is where I get a bit bi-polar towards the film. While the production design of the labyrinth is excellent, I can't help but feel its a bit too grandiose for the films own good. It totally fits with the direction of the story but I much prefer the slightly dirtier, kinkier look and feel of the first film which is a masterpiece.

RIP to The Tall Man Angus Scrimm of the Phantasm series who sadly passed yesterday at 89. One of the most imposing figures in horror history. An instantly iconic character.

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I've been watching the Godfather trilogy over the last couple of days, thoroughly enjoyable though quite lengthy. The other day I watched Scarface, I didn't realise it was about Cuban boat people/criminals, it's a lot more fast paced and brutal.
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Yeah he's pretty funny Tony Montana, he seems to have a real attitude, I think it lit a fire in his soul when that bloke chopped his friends arms and legs off with a chainsaw.
The Revenant was brutal. wish Leo had more dialogue other than grunts and cries of pain. but great performance by him. maybe he'll finally get the oscar
Man I just watched Angel Heart and that was fucking cool, can't believe I never had even heard of it before.

Young Mickey Rourke plays a detective down on his luck, a fairly evil looking De Niro comes to him with a job, death voodoo and sex commence.
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Angel Heart rules. Hey @sloughfegkillers have you seen Serpico?

Bit of a rant about modern action/adventure/sci-fi/monster/fantasy/etc films;

The biggest problem I have with CGI in cinema is not that it looks uninspired, soulless, boring or that it ages horribly but that it's overwhelmingly robbed us of our imaginations which, before the advent of CGI, was an essential part of experiencing films.

Practical effects looked just real enough but still obviously fake that you had to complete the effect with your mind. You had to use your imagination, now you just switch your brain off and wait for the film to end.
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Revenant is cool. Superbly shot and with incredible techniques, no doubt. The story is solid and Leo is pretty fantastic. Not sure what makes me want to see it again, the only possible theme I can think of is revealed in the concluding minutes. But definitely encourage everyone to see it.
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even i liked THE REVENANT and yall know how i generally feel about inarritu. i think his OTT showy approach, while still not at all profound, really suits this material and brings the fun out of it. some sequences were just cool as fuck, man. it's a trip.
I'm reading the book, Revenant, before going to see it in theaters -- not sure if this was wise. The book is solid so far.