The Official Movie Thread

I saw the standard version and you could tell certain scenes didn't stretch properly and made it look silly, so I guess it would be worth it if the ticket was a dollar or two more.
the HATEFUL 8 leak that's currently circulating is squashed to cut a watermark i think. it's a pretty lovely looking movie. i say go for it.

If they start introducing quotas it will further ruin an already ruined quality control and surely that's more of a reason to not have quotas than some vague assumption of outrage from the "other side" whatever that is.

well sure, i was talking about from the perspective of the academy - i don't think they realise their quality control sucks. 'other side' was just a catch-all term for the large portion of people who are against quotas, reverse racism, political correctness etc (which is categorically 'other' to the kind of people who are members/fans of the academy, for the most part anyway), and i didn't mean it pejoratively.
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They should just give the entire cast of How High a late Oscar as reparations for colonialism. Then, to celebrate that great moment, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian could do a pornographic music video featuring real sex and it could be played in liberal arts collages as part of mandatory modules. That would break the white man's magic once and for all and we would learn to stop making homosexual intellectual films and just make more of them hip hop music videos, so that all the racism goes away.
Nothing but mastery when Bronson is involved.

I think the kindest thing I can say about him is that he's better at acting than basically all of the muscle bound 80s action retards.
Bone Tomahawk is weird in a good way but kind of boring in a bad way.

The Big Short is kind of patronizing but maybe it'll remind everyone that poor people get fucked all the time.
Recently saw The Revenant with my dad. Not the easiest movie to watch, but it was good. I never talked to the guy my whole life so was surprised he drove from an hour away and chilled out with me and saw a movie. Never went to the movies with my dad before. :lol:
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So I decided to have some booze and watch The Dirty Dozen without remembering that the shit is almost fucking 2 and a half hours long and now I;'m fucked.
I've gotten bored of loads of films in recent times. Broadcast News, Terence Davie's School, Conspiracy Theory. Some artsy films with no plot I just give up with as well really. I can labor through them, but I'd far rather read, if I'm going do something intellectual (and frankly, in that case, it will actually be so).
The opinions on Hateful 8 vary tbh. Some people even say it's shit.

I think it's brilliant.
Bought some regular DVDS and blu-rays.

The Grey.
Army of Darkness.
Stephen King's Storm of The Century. 7 movies.
Silent Night Deadly Night.
Killer Elite.
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