The Official Movie Thread

Got this thing called googleplay and can rent movies and put it on my TV with a chromecast and don't have to watch TV, it's pretty cool.
Split sucks asshole
Rings should have been called Plotholes

Lake Bodom was a really cool slasher type film though. They almost tricked me with what looked like it was going to be a girl power ending. Might be my favorite slasher since the Hatchet films honestly. Great sense of impending doom.

Oh and no mention of CoB thank jebus.
Some of you may recall me blathering on ecstatically in this thread earlier in the year about the late Greek filmmaker Nikos Nikolaidis. Well I'm going to do it again because earlier today, the shiny new official Nikolaidis website went live complete with a webstore where all the films are available for individual purchase or in a beautiful box set, all restored and subtitled. For those who prefer steaming, its also an option. There's also the official YouTube channel where 4 of the films have been uploaded as well as trailers and a ton of commercials helmed by Nikolaidis.

This new site was a labor of love from Nikolaidis family and a long time coming. Personally speaking, discovering the rest of his output asode from the notorious Singapore Sling (1990) has proven to be one of the most rewarding and fascinating cinematic rabbit holes I've traversed in a long while. Fans of cinema from off the beaten path should really seek these films out. Nikolaidis was the epitome of a true original, not unlike David Lynch, Alain Robbe-Grillet or Andrzej Zulawski, an artist who's collective influences resulted in films so unique and singular they occupy a weird little universe entirely their own. Highly recommended!
I thought Alien Covenant was a bit shit tbh. Some interesting scenes and ideas but not really put together very coherently.
Garden of Love (Olaf Ittenbach, 2003) - Blandly re-titled The Haunting of Rebecca Verlaine for is American DVD release, this is actually an interesting case of cross subgenre pollination from the madman behind the German SOV splatter classics Black Past (1989) and The Burning Moon (1992). At heart its a ghost story but its also a splatter film, a revenge film from the ghosts angle and a "drive the woman crazy" type of film with some nasty twists somewhat reminiscent of the twists found in 60's/70's Italian thrillers. Being an Ittenbach film, naturally the gore gets the most attention in the (oftentimes mixed to negative) reviews but there's actually only three big gore setpieces, the centerpiece being a showstopping ghost attack on a SWAT team with some pretty awe-inspiring effects. There's a fair bit of atmosphere whenever the ghosts, who look incredible, make themselves known to lead actress Natacza Boon who handles the psychology of the film terrifically and has a unique, almost Shelley Duvall-esque look. Really a good little film to seek out as an example of solid, post 2000 Euro horror.

Angel Mine (David Blyth, 1978) - The debut feature from the original kiwi bad boy (who would follow this up with Death Warmed Up (1984), the first New Zealand horror film) that caused such a shitstorm in New Zealand it had some critics openly calling for stricter censorship and was inadvertently branded with any awesome byline when "This film contains punk cult material!" written on its 18 ratings certificate. A brilliantly unhinged send-up of marriage and dead end domesticity centered around a couple who's love life has long lost its spark leading them to live vicariously through fantasy scenarios based on advertising, its edited in such a way where aside from the most outlandish scenes, its oftentimes very difficult to differentiate between reality and fantasy, especially when the main narrative is briefly interrupted by ridiculous fake commercials, one which includes the grim reaper mowing his lawn and stopping for a beer with the slogan "Don't let your lawn be the death of you!" Its a film that was ahead of its time in so many ways (no doubt to its detriment upon its initial release as is often the case with films like this) in the way it explores how the media influences self-image and its predicting of everything from Viagra to amateur porn. The very definition of a cult film, this. Kind of baffling why it doesn't have a bigger following.
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finished this on amazon last night. same director of Dogtooth but I believe this is his first american film. Pretty funny, silly like Dogtooth -- ending fucked me up though. Anyone else seen it?
Finally watched John Wick 2 last night. Ferocious fun stuff. Plot felt a little wonky but when it's 100% balls to the wall action who the fuck cares?

Also, thought the build up all movie long with Ruby Rose was a bit odd, only to have him absolutely beat her to a pulp and kill her within ten seconds.
Realised had 6 dollars on a Target gift card and picked this up on blu-ray for 5 bucks, really good newer crime movie based on the cleveland Mob during the 70's.
