The Official Movie Thread

Guys, is it possible to search a thread for your posts? I've been trying to remember a name of a movie (it was an animated film) and I'm drawing the biggest blank, ever.

Also, I just watched Synecdoche, New York and loved it. I love this director and his style in general. I do think he did try to fit many... "scenes" I guess and some of them were a littl confusing but I enjoyed it anyways. I think this is an adaptation of the book The Trial

The nerd in me is realizing I never posted my top ten movies, and watching movies/series/general tv is like one of my favorite things. Sooooo... I just need to remember the name of that animated film. Fuck.

Also, Im going to watch The Seventh Seal next because it's literally on everyone's list, and it's about time.
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Guys, is it possible to search a thread for your posts? I've been trying to remember a name of a movie (it was an animated film) and I'm drawing the biggest blank, ever.

Also, I just watched Synecdoche, New York and loved it. I love this director and his style in general. I do think he did try to fit many... "scenes" I guess and some of them were a littl confusing but I enjoyed it anyways. I think this is an adaptation of the book The Trial

The nerd in me is realizing I never posted my top ten movies, and watching movies/series/general tv is like one of my favorite things. Sooooo... I just need to remember the name of that animated film. Fuck.

Also, Im going to watch The Seventh Seal next because it's literally on everyone's list, and it's about time.

Synecdoche is awesome, I've taught that film before. Students are surprisingly receptive to it.

Also, you can do an advanced search and specify the thread you want to search in, as well as whose posts you want to find.
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@no country for old wainds found the movie I was looking for. Thanks. It was actually Renaissance I was thinking of but then I remembered it was visually stunning but the plot didn't amaze me. But... it did remind me that Perfect Blue is one of my favorite movies ever. So it was cool and looked through some of your old recs I've downloaded.

@Einherjar86 Thanks a lot! Thats actually really cool. Have you read the book The Trial? I found it super similar to Synecdoche, New York. I've actually had to read that book in college but saw similiar storytelling parrels coupled with its super nihilistic ending.

Just got back from seeing this. Well worth anyone's time, except Ein because he'll be internally conflicted over the complications of male identity and transition of a minority

8/10 -- solid cast, acting, atmosphere, story etc.
Wind River was a good movie starring Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, and Punisher in more subtle, realistic roles. Well paced buildup, mind blowing climax and satisfying conclusion
any of his other stuff worth watching?
Oh yeah. Like Craven, he could be a bit inconsistent but hit the mark numerous times. Some favorites:

Eaten Alive (1977)
Lifeforce (1985)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)
I'm Dangerous Tonight (1990)
Spontaneous Combustion (1990)
Night Terrors (1993)

TCM 2 is a perfect sequel. He was smart not to attempt to recreate the vibe of the original so instead he took a gamble opting for black comedy and it payed off. The scene of Dennis Hopper going chainsaw shopping is just amazing. He doesn't even need to speak to be badass.

A lot of the 90's stuff gets slagged off a lot but there's interesting stuff to be found. Night Terrors in particular I'm always quick to defend. There's some really great imagery in that one and it feels like he was trying to make a 70's, Euro horror type of film, very Jess Franco, but being made in '93 it kind of has that sheen of a late night erotic thriller. Very cool aesthetic. And Robert Englund is the Marquis de Sade.

I'll also readily admit to un-ironically enjoying The Mangler (1995), though that's probably nostalgia talking more than anything as its been years since I've actually seen it or read the King story its based on. Still, the fact that a movie about a possessed laundry folding machine exists and presents the scenario with a straight face pleases me greatly.
I'm thinking of a movie I havent been able to find for a while. It's about some kind of small alien creatures and people getting killed by them while camping in the woods. Toward the end of the movie some rednecks start to kill them off and possibly save the main characters. I'm thinking it was late 80s-early90s.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?
I knew it wasn't Critters, the only movie with a setting even similar to his description is the first one and nothing like that happens at the end.

Can anybody tell me whether Poltergeist II is really that bad? I've never seen it.
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