The Official Movie Thread

Hell yeah it was. I love the new, darker side of Batman that they're portraying now...and, come on....Batman and Robin was a massive flop... The only redeeming factor was Uma Thurman's hotness as Poison Ivy.

I've seen some screenshots of the new one after browsing for a little while... rumor is that Harvey Dent is gonna be in this one, and that he makes the transformation into Two-Face somewhere towards the end.

That movie is gonna rock so hard.
Hell yeah it was. I love the new, darker side of Batman that they're portraying now...and, come on....Batman and Robin was a massive flop... The only redeeming factor was Uma Thurman's hotness as Poison Ivy.

I've seen some screenshots of the new one after browsing for a little while... rumor is that Harvey Dent is gonna be in this one, and that he makes the transformation into Two-Face somewhere towards the end.

That movie is gonna rock so hard.

Hopefully there will be 3-4 movies or so.
Pi is one of my favourite movies. RfaD - average, Aranofsky could have done it so much better, but he was definitely influenced by the need to appeal to a wider demographic. I don't blame him, he knew how he could make money out of this film and if that meant sacrificing some artistic licence, fine, go for the money, I know I would.

It was a totally different idea than Pi. Pi was meant to an art film that pushed the limits with its visuals. RFaD was meant to be more based around the idea of the story and less the visuals. I was totally blow away by that movie. Both of them at that.

I was really let down though with The Fountain.

I was let down by that movie a ton also. I really hope he recovers from this.
I saw Reservoir Dogs for the first time today. I don't know how I managed to go this long without seeing it, but whatever. I liked it, but not the ending.
I saw Reservoir Dogs for the first time today. I don't know how I managed to go this long without seeing it, but whatever. I liked it, but not the ending.
That's the rumah. (10 points to anyone who can tell me where that quote is from.)

I know but that's because you're sitting right next to me and I asked you, so that doesn't count. He's my roommate, for those of you who haven't figured that out.
No. Christian Bale is good, but not that good. Terminator is a lost cause.

Ok, I've waited long enough, and as I'm an impatient fucker, here's the answers.

"That's the rumah" a quote from Doc Holiday in the movie Tombstone, which is the only western that I really like. Probably the only Val Kilmer role I like, too.


The cult-classic fuckup at the end of Reservoir Dogs is that when they all pull the trigger, there aren't enough bullets to kill everyone... When Mr. White shoots Eddie, his gun is still pointed at Joe, and then the other two guns go off, leaving three bullets and four victims, as Mr. Orange wasn't holding a gun. Also, Nice Guy Eddie falls before Mr. White's gun swings at him at all.
another edit: rose red is another stephen king favorite of mine.

Rose Red is possibly the scariest movie I've ever seen. For 4 hours I was gripping the seat and sweating, and I thought I'd been desensitised to horror. It's terribly acted, but the reason it's effective is that it doesn't let you go. Unlike most horror movies, which give you signals as to when you can relax, Rose Red was oppressive and unrelenting for its entire length.