The Official Movie Thread

A far cry from the suave, clean-cut joker of the cartoon series. Almost like a more serious version of the one from the original TV show.
Just watched L'intrus.
Thoroughly confusing at times and yet it was at the same time completely engaging. Every scene is beautifully shot and the sound is managed to perfection. Once I stopped concentrating so hard on trying to figure out exactly what was going on, it was a lot more enjoyable. Gets an 8/10 from me.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning 4\6
You know the whole story before your sitting down to watch the movie and its bad acting as always, but I seem to enjoy this movie anyway...
freaking amazing. I actually saw it again last night and discovered even more shit. the film is so deep and multi layered...absolutely amazing

I'll have to watch it again...I saw it with 3 other people and they all hated it and were complaining during the film which might have played an influence in me just thinking it was ok. 2 of them were ready to leave before the end. A couple people in the theater actually left before the end.

I thought it was alright but not great...but really I'll have to watch it alone or something without hearing people complaining the whole time.
yeah, the film can easily piss off people...especially the ending. but if you really sit there and think, and really pay attention to the dialogue and what the characters do, I found it to be very rewarding
I watched Aguirre: The Wrath of God last night. It was fucking incredible, and I'm really hard to please when it comes to movies. Everybody should see this one.
People that walk out on movies are lame. When I went to see that movie called What the Bleep Do We Know!?, some guy actually got up, threw his half-fullish cup of soda at the screen and walked out. Loser. Not that I liked the movie, but there's no need to be rude. And if I'm paying dough to see a movie, I'm staying and watching the whole thing.
People that walk out on movies are lame. When I went to see that movie called What the Bleep Do We Know!?, some guy actually got up, threw his half-fullish cup of soda at the screen and walked out. Loser. Not that I liked the movie, but there's no need to be rude. And if I'm paying dough to see a movie, I'm staying and watching the whole thing.

He was probably a physicist.

edit: I wanted to walk out on Dodgeball. I swear that was the most unfunny movie I've ever seen.
People that walk out on movies are lame. When I went to see that movie called What the Bleep Do We Know!?, some guy actually got up, threw his half-fullish cup of soda at the screen and walked out. Loser. Not that I liked the movie, but there's no need to be rude. And if I'm paying dough to see a movie, I'm staying and watching the whole thing.
That movie deserves it because it is a big steaming pile of bullshit that pretends to be scientific.
That movie deserves it because it is a big steaming pile of bullshit that pretends to be scientific.

He did it within the first ten minutes though; I wanted to see what the rest was all about without having soda all over the screen. I agree the movie was gay, but the guy didn't have any class.
I've never seen anyone throw soda at a movie screen before but I have thought before "I'll bet people throw soda at movie screens all the time". I'm doubly surprised I've never witnessed this as I live in Oklahoma where that sort of thing is expected! Anybody that does that deserves a good tasering imo.
Started watching Lady in the Water but couldn't get thriugh to the end, due to it being utterly horrific, which isn't very surprising since I pretty much hate all of Shyamalan's movies. I don't understand what movie critics and regular viewers alike find in his films.:confused:
I felt the same way about Anchorman. Fucking hated that movie. I don't think I laughed once.

Me and my ex-girlfriend actually walked out halfway through that movie, mostly because she hated it (I thought there were some mildly funny parts). And then after I went to see this movie I had everybody telling me how funny it was and quoting lines from it and whatnot, which made me feel unintelligent, like I didn't get the humor or something. But I really think it probably sucks tbh.

edit: You know something? Will Ferrel really starting sucking after he got into making movies. I remember him being quite good on SNL. Damn, the only awesome SNL-to-movie success I can think of is Wayne's World, which is absolutely classic stuff.