The Official Movie Thread

Didn't like Old School but liked Anchorman?:zombie:
Old school is one of the funniest Vince Vaughn movies for sure.
I do agree with the sudden decline of quality of Will Ferrell movies. That Ricky Bobby movie was some of the worst shit I've ever had to sit through.
I watched Aguirre: The Wrath of God last night. It was fucking incredible, and I'm really hard to please when it comes to movies. Everybody should see this one.

Is that the Herzog film in which they spend like 2 hours tugging a boat over a mountain into another river or am I thinking of something else? I haven't seen it yet, but should, hopefully, sometime soon.
Is that the Herzog film in which they spend like 2 hours tugging a boat over a mountain into another river or am I thinking of something else? I haven't seen it yet, but should, hopefully, sometime soon.

No. It's a different one. This one is nearly two hours chronicling some Spanish explorers' search for El Dorado. You can easily find descriptions and reviews of the movie on I really encourage you to watch it. To me the way the stylistic elements of this film interact to get the basic theme across are just ingenious. And Klaus Kinski's performance in this movie is fantastic. For some reason this movie really resonated with me in a way that few other movies do. Oh and it also has a great ambient soundtrack courtesy of Popol Vuh.
I watched Blood Diamond earlier with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Connely and enjoyed it. Jennifer Connely like usual is sexy as fuck.
Me and my ex-girlfriend actually walked out halfway through that movie, mostly because she hated it (I thought there were some mildly funny parts). And then after I went to see this movie I had everybody telling me how funny it was and quoting lines from it and whatnot, which made me feel unintelligent, like I didn't get the humor or something. But I really think it probably sucks tbh.

Same here, except I didn't walk out on it, I watched the whole thing and chuckled maybe three or four times. It was recommended to me as being absolutely hilarious by a fair few trustworthy people. I don't understand.
It's stupid humor. If you don't like stupid humor you won't like it. I like stupid humor but there is a thing called too much. The "I'm kind of a big deal" quote is funny because it's so stupidly self centered, etc.

I usually like stupid humour. Dumb & Dumber was fucking awesome. Anchorman just wasn't well done.