The Official Movie Thread

Gotham is a fictional city that is based on/influenced by quite a few cities, not just those two and focuses on the downtown areas/districts of those cities... not on the housing projects. And btw most of the NYC influence clearly comes directly from midtown and lower Manhattan. So again, it was forced. Also im pretty sure there are just as many hispanics and whites in housing projects than blacks and where those projects are located is also a factor. A housing project in Harlem obliviously has more african-americans, but Harlem has absolutely zero ties to DC's Gotham. So yeah, definitely forced just to cater to the rabid sjw's.

I wouldn't say definitely, but maybe.

That being said, no--the percentage of whites in major housing projects in inner cities (I'm thinking of NYC and Chicago in particular) is much lower than African Americans, generally speaking. As far as the influences for Gotham, NYC and Chicago are regularly cited as the two main ones.
I wouldn't say definitely, but maybe..... As far as the influences for Gotham, NYC and Chicago are regularly cited as the two main ones.
i would say definitely, not maybe. New Jersey and Pittsburgh are also two main cities Gotham is based on, with the former(not Chicago or NYC) being where the city traditionally has been located in the DC universe. This has been stated by numerous authors of the Batman books. Gotham has never been based on the projects in the ghettos. And that is not just an opinion.

That being said, no--the percentage of whites in major housing projects in inner cities (I'm thinking of NYC and Chicago in particular) is much lower than African Americans, generally speaking. .
Like i said, it matters on where the projects are located, if it is a predominantly black neighborhood like Harlem then no shit a housing system over there is going to be predominantly black. Go to the Manhattan Plaza project in NYC and you will see that most of the people that live there are hispanic and white. Come out here to Los Angeles(or countless other parts of this nation) and most of the projects out here have far more hispanics and whites. These are facts, not opinions dude.
i would say definitely, not maybe. New Jersey and Pittsburgh are also two main cities Gotham is based on, with the former(not Chicago or NYC) being where the city traditionally has been located in the DC universe. This has been stated by numerous authors of the Batman books. Gotham has never been based on the projects in the ghettos. And that is not just an opinion.

New Jersey is a state, not a city--and it's where Gotham has been traditionally located, not what it's based on.

Like i said, it matters on where the projects are located, if it is a predominantly black neighborhood like Harlem then no shit a housing system over there is going to be predominantly black. Go to the Manhattan Plaza project in NYC and you will see that most of the people that live there are hispanic and white. Come out here to Los Angeles(or countless other parts of this nation) and most of the projects out here have far more hispanics and whites. These are facts, not opinions dude.

I get what you're saying, but do you really think that Arthur's apartment in Joker is modeled after the Manhattan Plaza? If anything, it's based on the Queensbridge Houses.
New Jersey is a state, not a city--and it's where Gotham has been traditionally located, not what it's based on.
im sorry, i meant Jersey as in the city. And yes, that's one of the main cities Gotham is BASED on. Plenty of cities in the STATE of New Jersey are where Gotham is based on including Jersey City, Newark, the Jersey Shore, etc. These have all been stated numerous times by numerous different authors. There's even a street in Gotham called "The Hudson County Highway". To say one of the main cities that has influence the "city" of Gotham is not one of the main cities Gotham is influence by/based on is pretty damn ridiculous. So once again im going to suggest you stop talking out of your ass when you're clearly not familiar with the character or his history whatsoever.

I get what you're saying, but do you really think that Arthur's apartment in Joker is modeled after the Manhattan Plaza? If anything, it's based on the Queensbridge Houses.
dude how are you having trouble with this? I already told you thats one of my problems with the film. I've already stated more than a few times the movie is catering toward your crowd today which is the reason those clear inaccuracies were written into the film
im sorry, i meant Jersey as in the city. And yes, that's one of the main cities Gotham is BASED on. Plenty of cities in the STATE of New Jersey are where Gotham is based on including Jersey City, Newark, the Jersey Shore, etc. These have all been stated numerous times by numerous different authors. There's even a street in Gotham called "The Hudson County Highway". To say one of the main cities that has influence the "city" of Gotham is not one of the main cities Gotham is influence by/based on is pretty damn ridiculous. So once again im going to suggest you stop talking out of your ass when you're clearly not familiar with the character or his history whatsoever.

dude how are you having trouble with this? I already told you thats one of my problems with the film. I've already stated more than a few times the movie is catering toward your crowd today which is the reason those clear inaccuracies were written into the film

Whatever, I don't see why this is such a serious issue for you. You seem to want Gotham to reflect some kind of even distribution of poverty across races, possibly so as to avoid race being an issue in the comics and/or films. It might be that Jersey City was/is a model for Gotham; but the FACT is that NYC and Chicago have increasingly supplied the visual aesthetic for cinematic depictions of Gotham, particularly since Burton's films. It's true there are poor whites in all these cities, Jersey City included; but higher percentages of African American populations within these cities tend to reside in ghettos and housing projects. I think it's pretty absurd that you have such an issue with Phillips's inclusion of black characters.
Saw The Lighthouse last night. Still digesting.

On the plus side, I watched it at what I'd wager could be one of the most beautiful and atmospheric outdoor cinemas in the world (thank you Perth), and this only enhanced the already stormy atmosphere of Eggers' film. As a psychological stare-down between Dafoe and Pattinson it works marvelously (think The Thing with elements of Whiplash and Fight Club), but plot-wise it's extremely light on and I'm still not sure if the film has much to say. I probably need to watch it again with subtitles because it's entirely possible I missed subtle details amidst the mumbled period dialogue.
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dude what the fuck are you talking about? Now you're accusing me of having issues with black characters/people or whatnot because of "historical" inaccuracies i pointed out in the film? I already told you the ONLY thing i have a problem with is the movie fucking with the history of Batman/Joker/Gotham. Which is why i also said i didn't like how they screwed with his origin story, does that mean i have problem with white people too since his mother and the dude who abused him were white? And i also clearly stated "im going to steer away from the film here" when i asked you if the only poor people you know are black(EDIT: it looks like that part of my post was lost when i tried to clean up and edit that post for you) because race seems to be something you bring up in every other post where you feel the need to critique something and that type of poisonous mindset actually helps promote racial division, not united us. Take off your fucking sjw goggles before you start harping at me with that kind of nonsense and stop making shit up in your feeble little mind just to try and slander me you pathetic piece of shit.

And i never said NYC and Chicago didn't influence what Gotham is today(and not just in the movie, but also the books), in fact i clearly said they were among the main influences on Gotham ... in both of my posts.
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dude what the fuck are you talking about? Now you're accusing me of having issues with black characters/people or whatnot because of "historical" inaccuracies i pointed out in the film? I already told you the ONLY thing i have a problem with is the movie fucking with the history of Batman/Joker/Gotham.

I'm thinking of this comment you made:

ugh, this is where you lose me again. I thought those parts were forced, not purposeful(unless the purpose was to give a nod to the deranged SJW's of today). Are most of the black people you know poor?

This struck me as meaning you had a problem with the representation of black characters--not with black characters in and of themselves (I'm not accusing you of not liking black characters), but with the way the film portioned them in relation to the source material. But if Gotham is based largely on specific housing projects in Chicago and NYC, then this apportionment makes sense to me. Just saying.

Which is why i also said i didn't like how they screwed with his origin story, does that mean i have problem with white people too since his mother and the dude who abused him were white? And i also clearly stated "im going to steer away from the film here" when i asked you if the only poor people you know are black(EDIT: it looks like that part of my post was lost when i tried to clean up and edit that post for you) because race seems to be something you bring up in every other post where you feel the need to critique something and that type of poisonous mindset actually helps promote racial division, not united us. Take off your fucking sjw goggles before you start harping at me with that kind of nonsense and stop making shit up in your feeble little mind just to try and slander me you pathetic piece of shit.

I mentioned race because there are lots of black characters in Joker, and the film seemed to present them purposefully in relation to Arthur. You expressed a problem with that. That's why we're continuing to talk about it.

And i never said NYC and Chicago didn't influence what Gotham is today(and not just in the movie, but also the books), in fact i clearly said they were among the main influences on Gotham ... in both of my posts.

Then I don't see why you objected so strongly to my comment about the film's black characters, particularly insofar as your objection was that Gotham is based on cities other than Gotham (true, but NYC and Chicago are major ones), and that there are housing projects with mostly white populations (also true, but Joker's visual aesthetic was emulating Chicago projects and the Queensbridge Houses, which are mostly black).

If I'm still misunderstanding, then I'm sorry--but I feel like there's probably no point in talking about this anymore.
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I'm thinking of this comment you made:

that comment was a genuine question i asked you that had pretty much nothing to do with the movie(which i even mentioned in my pre-edited post like i said) and had more to do with you sprinkling identity politics into everything.

This struck me as meaning you had a problem with the representation of black characters--not with black characters in and of themselves (I'm not accusing you of not liking black characters), but with the way the film portioned them in relation to the source material. But if Gotham is based largely on specific housing projects in Chicago and NYC, then this apportionment makes sense to me. Just saying.
wth, yes you were accusing me of not liking black characters since you literally said "i dont see why you have a problem with the inclusion of black characters". Nice job of backtracking. And in response to the other part quoted here, i already told you that Gotham is NOT and NEVER has been based on ANY housing projects anywhere(again, you are clueless dude), regardless of what the racial makeup of those housing projects are and regardless of what a disillusioned SJW like yourself keeps harping on about

I mentioned race because there are lots of black characters in Joker, and the film seemed to present them purposefully in relation to Arthur. You expressed a problem with that. That's why we're continuing to talk about it.
no that's why YOU were continuing to talk about that, what i have a problem with like i said from my very first post were the fucking inaccuracies of the film(why do i need to have to keep pointing this out to you?) and your constant use of "blacks this, whites that" when critiquing just about anything.

Then I don't see why you objected so strongly to my comment about the film's black characters, particularly insofar as your objection was that Gotham is based on cities other than Gotham (true, but NYC and Chicago are major ones), and that there are housing projects with mostly white populations (also true, but Joker's visual aesthetic was emulating Chicago projects and the Queensbridge Houses, which are mostly black).
You not being able to see why i have a problem with the INACCURACIES(for the 10th fucking time) of the film, and why i have a problem with you mentioning race every time you fucking post something, is your problem not mine. And again, you fucking slow in the head imbecile, my complaints about your statement on Gotham(and parts of the movie, like his fucking upbringing) were because of your inaccuracies when talking about the history of the city and its characters. You tried arguing with me about where it is and isnt based on and you were fucking incorrect by implying that it isnt based on New Jersey. I was pointing out that you were WRONG and again you go ahead and tie this to race. You have a very poisonous mindset my friend and im almost sure there's some deep down racism rooted in you.

If I'm still misunderstanding, then I'm sorry--but I feel like there's probably no point in talking about this anymore.
i think you understood what i was saying perfectly, but are being the natural piece of shit that you are and spinning this in a completely different way in order to try and make me look like someone who has a problem with black people when in fact i've been raised with them in my city and have far more black friends(ones that have grown up with since i was 4) than you do. I've been to their homes and shared meals with them, i've been to funerals and shed tears with them and vice versa. I dont see this wall of "difference" between us that you naturally do(again, says a lot about you). So please dont ever accuse me of being a racist just because you have some kind of racially divisive agenda stuck on your mind at all times. Some of these accusations you toss at people would get your fucking teeth knocked out in the real world. Just saying.