The Official Movie Thread

was reading some potrykus interviews:
"for COOKBOOK specifically, it was time to finally make my “EVIL DEAD by way of Jim Jarmusch” dream a reality. The 1926 FAUST was important, along with Entertaining Comics, and maybe UPSTREAM COLOR’s disjointed structure. Again, it’s an experiment. It’s the movie I needed to make, and the movie that most clearly resembles my original vision."

he's also cited alan clarke as his single biggest inspiration

I knew immediately watching Cookbook that it was inspired by Evil Dead, cool to see my assumption vindicated.
Yea it was definitely on point as far as i can tell. And yeah realism is important for me in films like this, which is why i prefer stuff like American Me and this one over the other fake prison movies. But yeah it ruled and is already up there for me too :kickass:

Agree! And as cig said, waldau is a badass. Not a game of thrones guy so this was my first time really seeing him in anything, but he did a great job.

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Anyone ever see Mikey? l met the director a few yesars ago in LA and he bigged it up saying it was banned in the UK
l cant really be bothered watching it unless it's someone's rec? looks comical yet violent and kinda promising in a shitty way

Yeah, seems pretty clear he placed it there for the photo with the names readable just to be a dickhead or something.

Almost certainly not accidental--he and Seimetz starred together in Upstream Color, which is the ostensible subject of the photo. He's being an asshole. Based on what I've read about him, doesn't seem that far off.
Gareth Evans is working on a new action movie, with Iko again (support cast though, I think).

Earlier today I watched Let the Right One In because it got referenced a bunch of times in The Transfiguration, pretty cool although that cat attack scene looked so retarded (was it CGI? I have no idea) and kinda raped my experience. Anyways about to watch this shit!


Sign me up for the Potrykus cult, I'll chug that piss-laced Kool-Aid without a second thought.

imo tinker tailor soldier spy is a much better alfredson movie than let the right one in. i still need to see the hollywood remake of the latter though, heard good things about it
Yeah T.T.S.S. was definitely better than that one. I have that Hollywood remake somewhere in one of my multiple piles of unwatched DVDs, maybe I should dig it out.

So far Buzzard rules man, like a retarded Mike Judge creation sorta kinda. No Faygo product placement yet though, but a character has dared another character to do something incredibly stupid (steal the cheques and cash them) so that's in line with the cat food dare in The Alchemist Cookbook and the entire premise of Relaxer. Love all these through-lines in his work.

Edit: Oh yeah and last night I watched that short film 86'd by Alan Palomo (aka Neon Indian) with Buddy Duress from Heaven Knows What and Good Time, that was pretty interesting. He should make a feature someday. It's on Vimeo for free.

Edit 2: How did Potrykus manage to get Blurry in his movie?

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