The Official Movie Thread

Christoph Waltz & Willem Dafoe To Star In Walter Hill Western ‘Dead For A Dollar’.
Hill will write and direct the feature which is set in New Mexico Territory, Chihuahua, in 1897. The story will follow Max Borlund (Waltz), a famed bounty hunter, hired to find and return Rachel Price, the politically progressive wife of Nathan Price, a successful Santa Fe businessman. Max is told she has been kidnapped by an African American army deserter, Elijah Jones, and is being held for ransom in Mexico. When Max goes south of the border he soon runs across his sworn enemy, expatriate American Joe Cribbens (Dafoe), a professional gambler, sometime outlaw, who Max had tracked down and sent to prison years before.

When Borlund finds Rachel and Elijah hiding deep in the wilds of the Mexican desert, he discovers that Rachel has willingly fled from an abusive husband, and the runaway soldier is, in fact, her romantic partner. Max is now faced with a dilemma: does he return the wife back across the border to the man who hired him, or does he aid Rachel’s bid for freedom and fight off ruthless hired guns and his longtime criminal rival.
Went back and rewatched rescue dawn which made me want to watch Little dieter needs to what a better way to demonstrate his story. Surprised how tame the film came out , especially considering Herzog

Saw high and low for the first time, my first meh Kurosawa! Cool to see once, especially a procedural, but didn't make me want to watch a second time.

Saw tango and cash for the first time in what has to be twenty years and that might be one of the gayest action movies I've ever seen :lol: and the fucking non stop! :lol:
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i remember high and low being one of my favourite kurosawas but i haven’t seen it since i was a teenager so idk.

little dieter is good stuff, better than rescue dawn i agree.
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High and Low is top 5 Kurosawa, as far as I've seen anyway. I love that he adapts a fucking airport paperback with the same respect as he does Shakespeare and Dostoyevsky.
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Saw tango and cash for the first time in what has to be twenty years and that might be one of the gayest action movies I've ever seen :lol: and the fucking non stop! :lol:
i always thought Tango and Cash was totally supposed to be "the gayest action movie you've ever seen"

i only just now read

i gotta say that i really didn't like End Game nearly as much as some of the other MCU movies

problems i had with Endgame

the pre-order-ticket-sales
Endgame was already filmed before anyone saw Infinity War
that seemed to be quite a big gamble for the studio,
it seemed like this could have theoretically resulted in End Game loosing money at the box office
which was avoided by having Infinity War end on a kinda cliff-hanger
with End Game having pre-order-ticket-sales
where Endgame made it's money back with a profit before anyone at all had actually seen the movie

the last second of Infinity War totally made it look like Carol Danvers was going to be the main character of Endgame
so Everyone buys the pre-order-tickets for Endgame thinking Carol Danvers is going to be the main character of Endgame
but then, Carol's super-short-cameo appearance is really nothing more than a crazy-cameo-info-dump explaining why she's not in the rest of the freaking movie

Endgame was actually filmed before Captain Marvel, but Captain Marvel hit theaters first, so the the end of Infinity War making it look like Carol Danvers was going to be the main character of Endgame was studio was actually taking a risk here, if the Captain marvel movie had sucked at the box office, the whole Carol Danvers being summoned scene at the end of infinity war would have resulted in Endgame making less money

Carol Danvers getting her own movie was a straight-up-instead-of a Black Widow movie
where the Studio was straight-up choosing profit over good-story-telling

Black Widow dies in Endgame instead of Hawk Eye, which is offensive to the SJWs who were already bitching about Black Widow not having her own movie added to the fact that Corol Danvers getting her own movie was a straight-up-instead-of Black Widow getting a movie
and forgetting about the SJWs, straight guys and lesbians were waiting for sexy-girl black widow to have her own movie

Professor Hulk's dialogue concerning the time-travel just ruined the suspension-of-dis-belief
and Scott Lang's dialogue makes no sense if you haven't seen Ant-Man and Ant-Man and the Wasp (and even if you did see those movies Scott's dialogue still sounds stupid, "time-heist" really??)

the 5-year-gap annoys the fuck out of me
because in the comics, the time-travel would have just prevented "the snap" with everyone continuing to live in a time-line where "the snap" just didn't fucking happen
but then, they had to make the 5-year-gap because Black Widow died (the 5-year gap allows for several next-phase MCU movies to take place in-between Infinity War and Endgame), but even if you need to make movies (more than just the black widow movie) take place in-between Infinity War and Endgame, the 5-year-gap could have been 5 months or even a mere 5 weeks, and since you really don't need any movies to take place during this gap, you really could have had someone release Scott Lang from the Quantum Realm to tell him that the snap had happened, where the 5-year-gap is really only 5 days which would have worked better for the Spiderman movies because Peter Parker was still in high-school when Spider-man turns to dust during the snap

Tony Stark kinda being the main character of Spider-man homecoming then Spider-man turning to dust during the snap was really just tricking people buying the pre-order-tickets for Endgame, everyone wanted the snap to be undone so that spider-man would come back from the dead because spider-man has always been Marvel's flagship-character, seriously if Spider-man had survived Infinity War then End game would have made less money
this was, again, the studio choosing-profit-over-good-story-telling