The Official Movie Thread

yeah, i saw it maybe 4 or 5 years ago. i thought it was pretty good. i have no theory on how any of it all correlates though, i only saw it the one time. it's actually a movie i should watch again myself, and think i will, thanks for reminding me.
*Spoilers for Unbreakable ahead!*

Willis does not know he is a hero and Jackson is trying to prove it to him, the reason being that Jackson needs to feel like he has a place in the world. If Willis is the hero, then Jackson gets to be the villain thus having a purpose in life. Jackson states a few times in the movie that there is nothing worse in life than now knowing your place in the world. To try and find out who his opposite is, Jackson commits all sorts of terrorist acts looking for someone who would survive. He de-rails a train and Willis survives. Jackson confronts him about being a hero and Willis thinks he is crazy. Willis then realizes he has never been hurt or sick in his entire life. He was in a major car wreck in college that he faked being hurt in so he could get out of playing football. After entertaining the possibility of being a hero Willis discovers he has strength far above that of an average man and some sort of super intuition which allows him to know what a person has done wrong. While at a train station he bumps into someone who killed a set of parents and is keeping the daughters captive. He follows the man home and rescues the girls, becoming a real hero. The movie ends with a typical Shamalan twist and when Willis shakes Jackson's hand sees all the horrible acts he has committed. The end.

Overall I enjoyed the movie. It is not a tricky movie to understand, but i can see not getting it if you didn't watch the whole thing.
Watched one of the 2007 "8 films to die for" series last night

Borderland- It was fair to say the least. This one was based on true events. 3 dudes head to Mexico to get fucked up and score some snapper. One of them gets caught by some satan worshipping drug smugglers. It's pretty gory but that's about it. That little troll from Lord of the Rings Sean Astin had a minimal role in it.

I have watched many of this series and other than 1 or 2 they have all been very disappointing.
so I finished watching Zeitgeist Addendum. MUCH better than the first one

edit: lookie! you can watch the entire movie!

yeah and it actually gave some ideas as to what you yourself can do (although it can be argued whether or not those suggestions are effective or will do anything)
I like Unbreakable. M. Knight Shyamalan has released a lot of really bad movies since, but I think that and the Sixth Sense are decent.

Speaking of really bad movies, what are everyone's thoughts about Beverly Hills Chihuahua
*Unbreakable Spoilers*

I enjoyed unbreakable, but I think the words at the end ruined it. Why did we have to know that Bruce Willis' character defeated Samuel L. Jacksons? It would've been so much more badass if it was just left open, like the setup for a TV Show, or series of movies that would never be made. Establish the Hero and the Villain and just let the audience think they continue to battle each other for the rest of their lives.
yeah I liked it, im wondering though, was he like reflecting back or was it all chronological? curious because when he went gun crazy/mohawk mode we didnt see any of the taxi drivers but as soon as that whole scene ended and we see the whole taxi gang, and especially how the black guy was calling him Killer way earlier in the movie